Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Trav B Ryan
I suck at selling myself, but I PROMISE you'll be satisfied if you hire me. 🤓
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Up and coming self-taught musician, songwriter, lyricists and certified audio engineer at the cutting edge of today’s hip hop & R&B. Born and raised in Los Angeles, CA, I've been passionately involved in music & songwriting from a very early age.
CEG Audio is a division of CEG, a multimedia company. Our mixing and recording facilities are state of the art with equipment that only the best in the world have access to. With over a decade of experience in the field our engineers can record, produce, mix and master your project from start to finish! And what's even better, it doesn't stop!
I am a musician that's willing to work hard and ready to get more hits on stream
Greetings from France, visitor! Don't hesitate to, yeah, well, hit the dude with, like, your question, man.
I'm not a magician, but I strive ;)
I`m a producer, singersongwritter
"AVC, a rising star on Spotify's France Viral top 50, soared to 3rd place with 'Motionless' and amassed millions of streams for his hit single 'Home.' A multigenre artist, he effortlessly blends styles with creativity inspired by icons like Daft Punk, Jay Z, and Adele. With a distinct writing style, AVC is not just an artist but a visionary shaping
Creative mixing and mastering with attention to detail. Making your track stand out among others.
Recent Successes
"Nico is extremely helpful, friendly and professional. He encouraged me to make as many edits/requests as needed to reach the alternative rock sound I was looking for, and he is extremely proficient in mixing and maste..."
"Nate's got a really great job! He was very attentive and responsive to our needs. He's very professional, the recordings that were handed in are very clean and he works very fast. Looking forward to working with hi..."
"I love his sound design. It is magical how everything comes together in his productions. His productions have a very rich, full sound and he will bring that high quality to your track. I have already made several trac..."
"Unbelievable talent! Ziv can do it all!"
"Good work! "
"Artem is a talented arranger & pianist. I cried when I sing along with his piano arrangement, so much feeling, so much pain, yet tender and comforting, it so gorgeous. Thanks Artem."
"I hired Isamu to record a piano acoustic track for one of my songs, and I’m super impressed not only with the quality of the recording and his skills, but with how quickly he was able to turn it around. He recorded no..."
"Elise is an amazing and beautiful "TALENT". She knows how to take our lyrics and put the passion of love into them to make our songs special. Elise has all the musical tools to make your songs special too. We highly ..."