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Hip Hop Track minus top-line who worked with Hip-hop
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I’ve been producing music since 2010 and have been honing my talent into useful efficient skills! I’ve worked for several artists as a consultant, remix engineer, and audio engineer. Many bands and producers have also hired me to re-orchestrate their music with my sound expertise!
pre-pitch stage
With a soul-stirring voice reminiscent of Chris Stapleton, backed by 10 years of music experience and captivating performances on national television, I bring an unforgettable blend of passion and artistry to every stage. Let me elevate your event with heartfelt melodies that leave a lasting impression on your audience.
Top quality mixing, mastering, production, and song writing lets work!!
I Provide Professional Guitar, mixing, vocals , High Quality Recordings I love what I do and I look forward to connecting with you And Making your Visions And Dreams Come True!
a multi-instrumentalist and professional music producer. Bring your vision to life with original compositions,Arrangement and industry-quality production. Specializing in cinematic scoring, big band, pop jazz, and blues, I offer professional mixing and mastering for a flawless sound on any device. Let's create something amazing together!
Mixing and Mastering engineer specialising in UK style electronic music desiring to get those subwoofers rumbling. Formally educated with a BSc in Audio and Music Production, focusing my degree on Mastering low end specifically to punch through your audiences chest.
Recent Successes
"Andres is always awesome with his works...The best mastering engineer I ever worked with...He know how to bring up the beauty of a song, you will be amazed if you work with him :) Technically perfect and musically aw..."
"Ryan delivered incredible tracks faster than I could have imagined!!! He really went so far beyond what I expected, five stars I feel isn't enough. I wish I could give Ryan a thousand stars. He is outstanding both tec..."
"I’m so pleased and fulfilled ‘cause TJ brought my mixed song to a higher level. He’s easy-going and extremely accommodating! Thanks a million for your contributions, TJ.. until next time!! "
"Always over satisfy me! Did a amazing mix and finished it off with a stellar master, allowed me to be proud of my work! Would definitely recommend to anyone!"
"Rob took the extra time to listen to my track and give feedback on my mix before he did the master. I made some tweaks he suggested and it helped the song sound so much better. He really didn't need to put in all that..."
"Always a pleasure, and always available even months later when I need live stems bounced out. "