Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tony Craddock Jr
Discover how spirit moving and emotive your tracks can be! I specialize in jazzy, understated piano and keyboards to perfectly frame your message. I layer and build upon your melody (or arrange a melody for you, if you don't have one) and take your song from good to amazing!
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Up and coming Producer, Engineer out of Memphis, TN taking after his Grammy Award Winning Great Grandfather; Composer, Producer, Engineer, & Musician "Willie Mitchell" founder of the world famous, "Royal Studios" where his grandfather jump started artist "Al Green's" career. Along with other artist such as Ann Peebles, John Mayer, and many more.
I turn dreams into sounds. I'm a producer, songwriter, vocalist, guitarist, bassist, and drummer. I mostly work in the rock/rap/electronic/pop genre. My sound is my brand identity. My goal is to help you create your identity.
Let’s Work
Songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, producer. I compose, produce, and play several instruments. I can add color and life to your tracks with guitar, piano/keys, synths, string arrangements, realistic programmed drums & more.
2yrs diploma in Music + 3yrs degree in Vocal Performance in London, UK. Experience with harmony + theory, song-writing, singing in ensemble, rhythm, reading + writing, on-stage performance and recording.
I am a Mix/Master engineer who has spent that past 8’years perfecting my craft. Anything that you need done to your track, I can do it
Professional recording musician from The Netherlands.
I have been feutured by Apple Music and have a lot of experience with both producing, mixing and mastering! With over 5 years of experience I have got amazing feedback by big names such as Tungevaag, Drove, Jonas Aden, Toby Romeo, NØ Signe and Revealed Recordings. I am looking forward to work with you!
Recent Successes
"Olivier helped me with a tricky edit and key change transition. He understood exactly what I needed and was able to interpret instinctively what needed to be done. The track came out great! He was easy to work with, p..."
"Another project by Julia that came out amazing. Highly recommend for any project!"
"Bram did an amazing job working on our track, and it now sounds truly professional and bumps exactly like it should. He puts a lot of energy into understanding the song from the author's perspective and to making i..."
"Carlos was incredible. This was the first time I have ever mastered through this process. He went above and beyond for our bands mixes and took the time to work out what we needed. We have another run of tracks to do ..."
"Tom delivered an amazing final master! He was easy to work with, communicated super clearly and made sure all my needs as the original songwriter were met. "
"I feel lucky every time I work with Darrell!"
"Just had the most amazing experience working with Joe. His rare intuition for what kind of string arrangement i looked for and the song needed is something you seldom have the fortune to benefit from. He arranged, sen..."
"Absolutely stellar work from Nathalie! We went back and forth on the direction for our project together and she nailed exactly what I was going for with super high-quality recordings. Great communication and profe..."
"To get to the point, I will continue to work with Jack after this first experience. He was patient, understanding, and even collaborative, after I let him know not to be shy about his own opinion. Feedback on his mix ..."