Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tomi Malm
Melodic bass lines with groove and taste.
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Our studio has been on the music market for over 20 years. It is characterized by high quality of sound and high technology services in this area.Our main sound man - Yurii Lych has been constantly improving his skills and closely following the recent developments in the world of sound.
That "Hip-Hop" sound you've been searching for. 2023 Boom Bap Type Beats
Elliott McClain is an exciting and remarkably fluent young pianist.
I Will Give You High Quality Services For Your Song/Will lay down vocal tracks for your song as Lead singer, BGV singer, add unique vocal melody/harmony, 2 revisions included in your music package. I sing Christian Gospel, Inspirational, Hymn Medley(unique version), & Wedding songs. I also do personalized Song Videos for special events, B-day, etc.
Hello my name is Antonio Wayside. I'm in audio engineer based from southern Maryland with over 3+ years of professional experience with major labels including (Atlantic, Sony Music, & Roc Nation) and 6+ years of recording independent artists. I'm here to help you reach a consistent sonic quality for release and a competitive edge in the industry.
It's Drys Lond Vick, a Music producer with more than 10 years of experience. If you have a idea or you maybe have a unfinished track, let me know, because if we work together the track will be finish soon.
Pianist, Music Producer and Educator.
Recent Successes
"Let's see. This track's checklist: Vocals - Ben Strings - Ben Electric Guitar - Ben Piano - Ben Percussion - Ben Complete. Need I say more? "
"Simon really took an initial idea I had and crafted a song that beautifully captured my idea. He communicated with me every step of the way to get my feedback and I appreciated it. The overall sound of the instrumenta..."
"Brian was such a gent to work with. Gave honest feedback which was needed on my first single. He really went above and beyond to make sure the project turned out as good as possible and that I was happy with the final..."
"I'm so happy with how Ashea has transformed my track. This is the 2nd time we have worked together and definitely won't be the last. A true professional. Can't wait for the next!"
"Very professional and good communicator. Would definitely use again."
"Erik is a wizard who works incredibly fast! Easiest mixing process of all time. I typically have a lot of stems (especially synths and pads) and he was able to make everything fit without sacrificing anything! Vocals ..."
"Muy buen trato y muy profesional "