Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tomás Calvano
Hi! I'm Tom! I'm a professional producer, composer, guitarist, beatmaker and music editor. I live life through music. I stand out as a producer, and throughout my career, I have supported many artists in realizing their projects. Let's create music together and take your ideas to the next level
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I'm an aspiring mix engineer looking to gain experience and build connections in the industry. I've been trained on all the equipment you'd expect an engineer to know, and I've learned from some of the best. Let me give your music the mix it deserves.
I have done piano grading till 8th both theory and practical under Trinity College of Music, London. Then completed my sound engineering course at Soundtech Media, Chennai. I am mainly a Film composer at Indian film industry. Also good in mixing and mastering tracks.
You wanted your voice sounds great, clean and correct on the note? We can mix your voice better.
Foyej Ullah Is a Bangladeshi Musical Artists
I enjoy singing. I love comedy and making jokes as well but I think this will be fun.
Over 10 Million Spotify streams, 7 years professional experience and a true passion for producing, writing and mixing. contact me and lets create some amazing music!
Professional Rock and Metal mixes and masters
Recent Successes
"Stephan was extremely easy to work with! Fast delivery times and excellent quality. He is very kind and helpful."
"Cool mix"
"Fantastic, creative approach to a joint project. In fact, it felt like I was working with Siere in the same studio, in no way, not even for a moment, thought about the tens of thousands kilometers between us. Thank yo..."
"Once again, an absolute pleasure working with Marksman. He is an incredibly talented producer and was able to take my thoughts and ideas and create them into a real, tangible, great-sounding track. It is exactly h..."
"I've worked with Ronaldo several times now because he is a world-class keyboardist with amazing skill and taste - he's simply the best! Always gets and understands what it is a songs needs. A consummate professional, ..."
"Perfect collaboration with this talented artist! I even didn't need any revisions because the first take was awesome!"
"Great experience!"
"Worked on the project until we got it right with very fast delivery, I really enjoyed working together "
"Sophia has a great voice and ear for melodies! Will defo work with her again as she made my song come to life :)"