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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tom Misch
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I'm a partner in a spacious and well-equipped but unpretentious studio in the Willamette Valley region of western Oregon. I've got over 10 years of experience, eclectic recording credits (punk, pop, art-rock, psychedelia, experimental, electronic, flamenco, folk), cheap rates and a great work ethic. Record with me and you'll be glad you did.
Japanese singer,songwriter and session guitarist.Studying classical vocal,guitar style and Japanese traditional music at the university in Japan. From 2014 ,Working with some R&B,Hip Hop singers,producers and Indie Rock musicians as a session guitarist and also performing myself as a singer songwriter based in London.
Nashville musician
Professional songwriter, audio and video producer
No Such Thing As Noise is a duo spanning multiple moods and genres. Jacob has over 20 years in hip hop experience, while Sheena is a classically trained bassoonist, freelance vocalist, and bassist. Their music has been featured with Skullcandy, Quicksilver, and Keen.
It's never been easier to log into your email or password. SBC offers secure, easy-to-use email accounts that you can use for everything from banking to business, personal and business communication.
8 years working for Sony ATV out of Paramount Recording Studios In Los Angeles with clients including: Derek Pope, A. Chal, John Legend, Gucci Mane, Chainsmokers, Mike Posner, Julia Michaels, Ty Dolly Sign, Nelly Furtado
Live sound to surround, I have the experience to elevate your project to the top.
Recent Successes
"Zoran, was a pleasure to work with, the song he mastered sounds fantastic. As an artist I have a hard time saying something is complete, Zoran helped me get it to that point by tweaking the master multiple times until..."
"Amazing to work with Sabrina Again! She knows your needs and elevates your work to the highest level! Excited to work again with her! Very talented"
"Always good working with Nate! He makes my songs come alive!! "
"Sabrina is a mind blowing talent. We've hired her several times. She creates nothing but hits that I would put up against the best records on the radio. Rap, urban, slick pop, R&B, it doesn't matter. She embodies all ..."
"This is Your Guy!"
"Austin gave us hope when we were about to settle. We recorded our first home studio track and sent it around to other mixing engineers with results varying from decent to just just bad. We were giving up hopes and t..."
"This is my 2nd time using Monty and his work just gets better and better! I look forward to working with him again! "
"Fast and enthusiastic, and the masters sound GREAT."
"As with anytime I collaborate with TRUTH she brings 100%. Always floored with her talent and working with her is such a pleasure on all levels. Thanks TRUTH for another great collaboration! "
"Ziv knows exactly how to elevate a track and give it that edge it needs! He is also a great communicator and very friendly - I am looking forward to working with him again on many other tracks 🎸"