Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tom Freeman
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Specializing in Pop and Rock genres of production. Major Label Credits: producing, mixing, mastering and engineering We bring decades of experience, making productions and records. Anyone can record at home these days… but you still need…. A GOOD SUPPORT FOR YOUR MUSIC!
All around good guy who just wanna make great music, sound even better!
I'm a Producer / Engineer / Musician with a studio in Livingston, MT. I specialize in mixing/producing complete modern pop, country and rock tracks. I provide Acoustic & Electric Guitar, Bass, and Drum tracks. I also work with local artists in Montana that I can pull in for your project. I will work to get the sound YOU want for your project.
Hello!! I am a bassist with several years of experience on Upright and Electric Bass. I have degrees in Music Performance from Baylor University and TCU so I have knowledge of theory and can read music. My ability to learn music is quick and I can provide synth bass sounds as well as vocals if needed!
Are you looking for the perfect beat for your track, a beat no one else got and designed after you? Then hit us up, we love making custom beats for artists and can also fulfill special requests!
Please let me be a part of your music !! I strive to provide guitar parts that make it sound better !!
I am a female musician, songwriter, and singer. I enjoy writing my own lyrics and paying close attention to rap and trap music, but I don't limit myself to one genre because I enjoy singing. I've been featured on afrotrap, rap, trap, and even pop melodies. I can't wait to start working with you.
Hi, I'm Noah. I produce music in a variety of genres...
Recent Successes
"Professional engineer, tuned, mixed and mastered my song and it sounds great, Highly recommend!"
"Second gig with Shelley and definitely not the last, she is awesome! Extremely talented and amazing voice, fast delivery, clear communication in the process with regular checkpoints to stay alligned and good/clear qua..."
"I asked Elvinho to help me out with the sound design of a specific sound and he was precise and patient with me until we got to the result! Very good work as always! "
"Simon is the best producer I've worked with, period. And though he's very sought upon and working a lot, he delivered top quality music again and was very understanding of my vision and my limitations as an independen..."
"Amazing as always!"
"even tho i did not really know what i actually wanna it was very easy to get there with Uros. For sure not the last time."
"5 stars plus. This last project was an Americana waltz that needed to be warmed up with movement and color in an acoustic bass line. Michael totally got the song and delivered. Great experience all around. "
"Higly recommend working with Sara. Awesome to work with and delievers a top class product."