Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Toasty
I’m a Pro Tools user, I am originally from St. Thomas, USVI but have lived in St. Croix for while. I have work with many all around the Caribbean and more.
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ST4X Mixing and Mastering with over 10 years experience. Specialising in all urban genres of music and more. As an engineer with meticulous attention to detail my goal is to attain professional mixes with punch and clarity. Providing you with the best possible sonic quality for your music.
It's not talent, it's an obsession.
We are specialised in Techno / Trance / EDM and other electronic Music. TWS Masterings has mastered uncounted Tracks for artists and labels during the past seven years e.g.: Reload Black // Drumcode // Swynce // Patrick Hero // Giben Gless ....
I can mix and master your song or project to industry standard, radio quality.
Get great mixes for your tracks! From working live sound to studio sessions, I've helped a lot of bands and musicians get great mixes for their recordings.
Elevate your drum sound with premium acoustic drums recorded for your songs! 4 hours of dedicated studio time per track, custom recorded acoustic drums, a dedicated recording engineer and session drummer, professional facilities and equipment, free commercial use with pre EQ'd stems, all delivered within 24 hours! (when availability discussed).
Extremely versatile music producer that can fit well in any musical genre. Specialized in the following genres and most of their variations (e.g. hip-hop has trap as a "variaton"); Hip-Hop, Reggaeton, Pop, R&B, Drill, Lo-Fi, and many more!
Mixing & Mastering, Audio Editing, Remote Recording
Recent Successes
"Rob helped me understand the process of mixing and mastering with willingness to answer all of my questions. He was determined to give results that I would be pleased with while delivering helpful and constructive cri..."
"Want a world-class horn section playing on your song? Well then you've come to the right place. Mike did an awesome job my song in which he included stellar performances on multiple instruments. In addition, he's sup..."
"Just amazing! Every time, perfect vocals, amazing work ethic. PERFECT."
"As always - Gosteffects is a pro. Great work and qfast response time. Thank you here's to doing more work in the near future! - B"
"LACY is highly collaborative and keen to communicate on daily basis. Very professional and helpful also with adjustments or other additions to the work. I can just recommend "
"What can I say about Jen? Marvelous, this is the second time we worked together and, again, she read the song in an amazing way. Great parts, perfect for the flow of the song with an amazing sound. Impeccable delivery..."
"Dave is the just best! I've worked with Dave for the first time at the BMI NYC Jazz Composers Workshop and he showed himself to be a brilliant musician. He always captured the sublime even when we were merely sight-re..."
"As usual always taking everything to the next level 🔥"
"Ziv really went beyond expectations! Definitely my go-to guitarist now. Thank you"