Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tizi'k
Hello! I'm Thomas Gallo, a dedicated music producer known for my responsible, honest, and skilled approach to work.
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Singer-songwriter and record producer since late 2007. I began in rap music, developing my skills in the Kansas City, KS, St. Louis, MO, and Houston, TX areas. While in Houston, I began focusing on pop music (2010). Since then, I've worked with many indie artists around the world (remotely), most notably a Polish-Dutch writer named Gia Koka.
We want to be your partner in the music-making process. Most musicians have great music but not a great strategy to get that music out to the world. That starts with the music itself. We will be a sounding board and tell you how to make your music shine. We will also track, mix, and master your track, so it has the best chance of being playlisted.
A swiss army knife of musical abilities, a one stop shop for bass, guitar and production. Bass player for Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Mike Mangini, SOTO and Art of Anarchy. Produces music for TV such as ESPN, ABC and NBC. Video game soundtracks including Command & Conquer and Metal Slug franchises.
Australia's first Certified Dolby Atmos Music Studio. High end mixing facility producing spatial audio for music, film and video. Latest projects, Rüfüs Du Sol - Live at the Joshua Tree for Warner Records and Apple Music. Little Tornadoes - Feature film mixed in Dolby Atmos. Vance Joy, The Jungle Giants.
Rachit Yadav is a Musical Artist, Songwriter, Composer, Producer, and World Record Holder from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Producer with great support from Traxsource and signed to various labels such as Heavy, Grooveland, Sure Player Recordings, Barking Mad, Finest House Traxx, Do it Now Recordings, Boutique Vibe, etc .
Musician, guitar player, composer, arranger, .
Recent Successes
"Ruben is a world class musician that delivers on time with exceptional quality. "
"Don is very versatile because he can create music inspired by different genres... from hip hop to jazz to alternative etc. He also plays various instruments, which is a plus. Further, he is very helpful. During our la..."
"Shrai produced an incredible wall of sound in his remix of my song. He is an extremely talented remixer and producer."
"Second time working with Simon, wery well balanced and great mix. Recommend him."
"Incredibly talented musician! Very professional and easy to work with. Hire him!"
"Romy did it again! She delivered back an amazingly catchy song in a very quick turnaround! Can't wait to work with her again"
"Andres Mayo did a fantastic job for me. Really did a great job taking my mix to another level. Highly recommend."
"it was a great experience with Chase! His work is excellent, I would recommend it to anyone!"
"Jim is an absolute professional! Jim's work ethic is impeccable, and he's willing to put in as much effort as needed for your project. Excellent job, thank you again! Hire Jim for your project, and you won't be dis..."
"The first mix Matt did for me was amazing, so I couldn't wait to bring another to him. I did, and well, it's another longball. Matt is a homerun hitter. Again, great communication, quick turn around and the mix is ..."
"This is my 4th mix with Kevin in a row. This time, he went even further in helping to tweak the production during the chorus section of my song as it felt weaker. The greatest advantage I get with Kevin is having a se..."