Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Timo Pankau
Mixing and Mastering Engineer, Electronic Music Producer and Live Performer. Bachelor in Audio Engineering and Music Production at Middlesex University (Bachelor of Art), SAE Berlin. SWEEP Audio Owner.
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Ultragain is your online mastering audio tool, specialized for the artists who make electronic music. All work is processed in a studio by a professional specializing in electronic music.
Hybrid mixing, punchy, fat and large mixing for an affordable pricing! The best of digital domain paired with the analog & tube spicy! Let's rise together!
Producer & Composer
My name is Katy, and I've had top ten singles in the U.S., U.K., France, Canada, South Africa, and Japan. I've worked as a songwriter in LA, Stockholm, Paris, Nashville, ATL, NY, and London, so I've been immersed in many different schools of songwriting. Songs I've written have generated over $1,00,000 in licenses. Let's create something!
I'm a mixing, mastering engineer and a producer whose goal is to help any artist achieve their sound imagination.
Professional Reggaeton & Trap Songwriter
Singer, voice coach, songwriter
Bring your music to life with cutting-edge electronic production and remixes crafted to elevate your sound—let's create something unforgettable
Recent Successes
"outstanding as usual!!"
"Yassssss good job Malachi you definitely made it sound better my dude 💯💯💯 I absolutely loved that transition on the 2nd verse. You definitely brought my vision to the light thank you "
"I needed to have a song delivered on the same day and he was able to do it! Such as great song and also a very reasonable price considering the time constraints. I trust Joey's talent and you should too! I guarantee y..."
"Perfect again!! He made a perfect piano track for me :)))"
"So happy to work with CJ again!! Amazing voice, so professional! Recommended!"
"Amazing singer and hard working artist! "
"Chris mixed and mastered a dear song of mine very efficiently and very professionally. And I'm so happy to finally hear my song the way it deserves to sound: real good!:) After this experience, I've asked him to mix ..."
"Wow! just when you think it's not possible for Amelia to deliver a better performance, she steps and proves you wrong once again. You really need to work with this incredible artist."
"It was a pleasure working with Matt! He is a great mixer and also a great communicator. He was really open to hear our ideas and points and made the track just the way we had imagined! Also he seemed very enthusiastic..."