Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with TimiR
Hey! I'm an Electronic Music Producer, Mixing and Mastering Engineer! Specializing in Peak-Time Techno but with experience in other genres such as Tech House, Progressive House, Psytrance, Dubstep among others!
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The studio is mainly focused on mixing, editing.
Creating hip hop for 20 years, radio airplay, have made tracks for major label artists, indie film work, audio school grad.
I am a Billboard Artist/Producer & International DJ. I have over 20 years of experience in Music Production & Remixing. I have had songs placed in Movies and used by the NFL, NBA, WNBA, NCAA & ESPN along with being played & charted on several top 10 radio markets.
With mixing credits on numerous major label records, I am one of the top mix engineers in the region.
Writer with a distinct style in French English or Spanish or a mix of both languages ... Ready to write your lyrics! Examples on Instagram : olivier.sub
Beatmaking credits: Streets Made Innovators; Merky Ace, Manga St Hilare, Joe Grind, Scrufizzer, Kliicks, Maxsta. Songwriting: Emily Laing Producer - all the above
YOUR vision is MY vision. I'm here to take your track to the next level and get it radio ready :)
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Recent Successes
"A brilliant writer and singer. A perfect compliment to the song I submitted, well worth the fee to have Mickey sing and perform her magic."
"It was very pleasure to work with Rody, her voice it was perfect for my song, I love it, she gaven a touch of magic with her vocal expression. Thank you"
"Hey ! Just finished my song with Eric who is one of the best producer I've ever met ! He felt the music I needed immediatly with an extraordinary empathy and very great and high quality results ! That sounds great ! I..."
"Marco totally kicked ass for the tune I sent him. Prompt, professional, and added a special touch that made the listening experience more intriguing than I had hoped for. Marco and ESOF have a repeat client in me! WOW!!"
"Andy very easy to work with and delivered a great vocal for me"
"Fantastic work by Andres. I'm delighted with the result on my track, he really made it shine. Its a pleasure to have such an experienced and award winning engineer working on my track!"
"Top quality mix, super friendly dude-- willing to answer questions and provide valuable feedback on the sonic quality of the tracks, it was definitely a pleasure working with Robert! "