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I am obsessed by creating and producing catchy riffs, vibrant atmospheres and soulful rhythm sections. I'm offering a warm, unique and exciting sound, with a professional communication.
I make catchy, hit songs, and I put my all and everything into them striving for perfection!
Affordable in the box mixing done professionally and in a timely manner. Im easy to work with and have plenty of experience.
Worked professionally as a Singer/Songwriter in LA doing music for 10+ years. Wrote for many artists under Universal Music Group. Worked with artists like Common, Noah Neiman, Talin Silva, & Stevie Wonder. Written/sang songs for many Indie films in the film festival world. Guaranteed delivery of high quality audio/talent with fast turn around.
Calexico's Bassist
Hi I'm an Italian drummer, my name is Enrico. I'm a professional drummer and I love Vintage concept. In my studio I work whit a instrument from 1920 to 2000. I choise this kind of sound because i love this sound. I specialize in gendre like jazz, blues, funk, R&B, swing
New to SoundBetter - Been writing and recording music for myself and others for nearly ten years. Worked in projects as a vocalist, songwriter, and guitarist. My bilingual style allows me to feel comfortable and create from a big range of genres that can go from American Folk, Country and Pop, to latin rhythms as well.
I have carried out more than 20 musical projects, thus becoming part of them in the field of production, interpretation and composition.
Recent Successes
"He did my job on the side I think. I did not pay a full price. I hope it was because of that, because it took 3 months to get 1.30 minute of produced gods from this guy. So the service sucked. But the work was ok. "
"Fast communication, professional recording, great singer!"
"Another great take! Will be doing more for sure!"
"MM sang on three of my songs - I am extremely happy to have collaborated with the most professional singer. His voice just fits well, and lift the quality of the songs to another level. Is possible I will work with h..."
"It was an absolute pleasure working with Sarah. Looking forward to working with her again soon. :)"
"Top pro, delivered exactly what I wanted with excellent vocals. Thank you Stephen! Great work, perfect!"
"George is a pure professional! Sent him my song, with a few references and he delivered an absolute beautiful and high quality vocal. Could not be more pleased with the outcome! If you are considering George for y..."
"Derran always knocks projects out of the park and does his best to capture the essence of your vision while adding his own touch as needed."