Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with tima gabanna
La Nueva Era
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Are you looking for a COMMERCIAL sounding production, mix or arrangement? Do you need a professional touch to your to a song or instrumentals? are you just in need of a pair second ears to confirm if your music is sounding to its full potential? Then you need BUZZIN PRO. (BuzzinProductionz) the one STOP shop to satisfy all your musical needs.
Musician, producer and mix engineer with years of experience.
Over 13 years of professional experienced music producer, film composer, mixing engineer, vocal tuning, and track-tightening. Easy to work with, focused, positive, excellent people skills, clear communication, Produced music for a lot of artists & singers, Composed Soundtracks for Many Commercials, TV Series, and TV Shows.
Let's make some music
Jamaican Engineer/Producer that does Reggae and World Music...
Looking for a mushy young female voice or a gentle calm soothing voice? Look no further!!!
Worked on over 30 albums, analog enthusiast, sound designer , founder and co-owner SOULVILLE RECORDINGS
Recent Successes
"Great professional! She did everything as planned . Very easy to handle! Everything was perfect!"
"Stephen is a Super skilled singer & songwriter! his vocals gave my track the last part of the puzzle! It was a pleasure workin with him!"
"Josh was very professional to work with and provided amazing results. He really helped bring my track to life and I can't recommend using him enough. I look forward to working with Josh again in the future."
"Phil gave me an intro Wurlitzer hook that sounds like a classic from an album you've loved your whole life. The rest of the track is great too. I only wish my song could live up to what he gave me! Of course, that'..."
"Bob is a true master of his craft. His creativity and talent turned my melody and lyrics into a worthy song worth listening to over and over again. His gifted vision brought my project far beyond my expectations. "
"Great Mixing engineer. Really listen to what's needed to make the tracks shine."
"Ariel is the best to catch the essence of a song and bring it to the best level! Best collab!"
"Deza is a true professional She always delivers to the highest level 11/10 "