Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with tiken jah fakoly
Prince Asgar, a producer/engineer with a wide variety of technical and artistic skills
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Do you need music to an original song?
I offer audio Editing/Cleanup, Mixing, Mastering, as well as session Recording/Engineering.
22 year old Music Producer specializing in Pop, Electronic, Hip Hop and Grime. with a keen interest in creating modern eclectic and exciting music at a reasonable rate. I have worked on many different projects and have expirience working with a wide range of artists including Nile Rodgers, Rudimental, Rejjie snow and The Underachievers
I am a pedal steel player and multi-instrumentalist living in Nashville, TN. I can provide high quality parts that add just what your song needs. In addition to being a Nashville session player I also am the touring pedal steel player for Capitol Records country artist Jon Pardi, playing sold out shows all across the US and Canada!
vocal tuning - pitch correction for singers
Swedish singer/songwriter based in Nashville, TN. Specializes in pop and country vocals. Fluent in 5 languages.
One-stop-shop for all your contemporary music projects. I'm a professional producer, vocalist, voiceover artist, musician, songwriter, mastering engineer & teacher of all of the above. I coach professional singers online & offline in advanced vocal technique that works immediately to get positive results & have a range of session singers on hand.
I am a 3-time nominated and one-time winner of Juno award-winning musician, producer, mixer, and drummer. I've worked with many bands, including Kataklysm, Ex Deo, Neuraxis, Belphegor, Keep of Kalessin, etc. I specialize in covering all aspects of audio production from start to finish to bring artists to the next level.
Recent Successes
"Brian is simply incredible. His vocals are as clean as silk. He knows how to play with words to make them sound great. He didn't detract from the melody I sent him but yet he added his own style and hooks in the rig..."
"I have worked with Benny more than anyone else on SoundBetter. I am never the same artist after working with Benny. He sets the bar for Quantity and Quality to a level I have never seen before. Working with Benny is w..."
"Tim is a very skilled singer. He delivered me beautiful vocals and puts in a lot of extra effort. I definitely recommend Tim as a singer!!"
"Nicki was simply amazing. She has an incredible and , most importantly, versatile voice with a tremendous range. She is extremely musically knowledgeable and very, very sophisticated in her ability to interpret a song..."
"I am the pickiest person on planet earth, I hear these amazing songs on the radio and can see how my song sounded very different. I reached out to Aaron and the first master was testing the waters. Considering I am ex..."
"Chad is my go-to producer for my sound."
"Camilo is the best¡¡ Always a pleasure working with him. Thanks so much¡¡¡"