Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with tiger mood
I am a session drummer, teacher and drum doctor. I have 12 years of experience.
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Hi, my name is Ze Nigro i'm a 48 years old with 25 years playing and producing albuns (30 albuns done) and Soundtracks My Studio, Navegantes is located in São Paulo Brasil. I used to work with vintage instruments and gear to better sounds and expression i'd like to answer your question You can find my work at instagram, youtube and more: Ze Nigro
Chris Goulstone - Guitarist / Composer / Mix and Mastering engineer / Producer and multi instrumentalist Producing TV and Film music for over twenty years with over 85 albums to his name, Chris works from his UK West Country studio providing cutting edge tracks for shows around the globe.
Mainstream Quality | While working for various studios, Allen has worked with many major label recording artists and Youtubers including Travis Scott, Young Thug, Gunna, Rapsody, Kelly Price, Starrah, ASAP TyY, 83 Babies, Mo Vlogs, Lana Rose and the list goes on.
Looking to help build the next big artist.
No matter what your needs are -- writing or finishing a song/lyric, turning an idea into a full production, or getting a recording to sound professional -- I can help you. I love helping artists manifest their vision, on any and every step of their journey. Bringing out the full potential in people's creative process is my specialty.
An exceptional Venezuelan composer, cuatro and guitar player, Latin Grammy winner, who earned the Bachelor of Music Degree in Composition from UNEARTE (Experimental University of the Arts) Venezuela. He has shared the stage with very acclaimed musicians.
Recent Successes
"Excellent singer and songwriter. Works very professional and brings your song to a whole new level. "
"Incredible speed and quality as usual. So happy to be able to work with such a professional!"
"Jennifer is extremely professional, very easy to work with, and quick on the job. Very collaborative spirit and made my ideas come to life better than I ever could have on my own!"
"Great work, very clear mixing/mastering, smooth process--thanks!"
"Nikola worked quickly and efficiently, first sending over some demos before editing and quantizing his parts. Tons to work with with 11 separate stems - work with him on your next project!"
"Luke is one of the best producers out there. Such a talented an professional fellow, it’s always a real pleasure to work with him. Brilliant. "
"Tomasz quickly delivered a great mix with detail, depth and clarity. We wouldn't hesitate to recommend him and looking forward to working again with him in the future! "
"There isn't a single note is not perfect! "
"Super professional and created excellent results with minimal guidance and direction. Quick turnaround and quality vocal files were sent back to me. Highly recommend. "