Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with thxucarlos
Producer | Songwriter | Atmos | Mastering
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Hi! I'm Chris Roberts, I'm an award-winning multi-instrumental songwriter and producer with 20 years of live/studio mixing and mastering experience.
We are a young group of three musicians based in Nuremberg/Germany.
Trap,hip hop and rap mixing and mastering
Barney is a London-based composer, mixing / mastering engineer, producer and sound designer. He has worked with musicians and on film productions, and also has tens of thousands of views of his beats on YouTube.
Over 600.000 Spotify plays in 2020. (Birdsday - New Tomorrows) I produced lots of different genres in the past, my music videos and songs are played on national TV and Radio channels (MTV Hungary).
Recording, Mixing, and Mastering with passion and experience. My main focus is to bring your vision to life, the way you want to hear it.
My name is Eduard de Ru, I'm a country songwriter/composer from the Netherlands. I've been nominated over 20 times as a top songwriter.
Producer | Songwriter | Atmos | Mastering
Recent Successes
"Always receive the highest quality work and is great about minor revisions with a quick turnaround, highly recommend to everyone!"
"Ofo is a very talented and creative Producer, and he is really easy to work with! He had ton of patience and understanding, he didn't stop to work until I was truly satisfied and he was listening very carefully to my..."
"Great master as always!"
"Returning customer; mastered 2 songs with Doug this time and they both sound great, will come back for sure!"
"Daniel is an incredibly talented music producer and his engineering skills are second to none. I am incredibly happy with remix and mastering work Daniel did on my new single Now or Never. The energy, depth and clarit..."
"Working with Robin was such an enjoyable experience - he immediately instilled confidence, was really personable and willing to help with anything I needed and he went above and beyond my expectations. Robin really lo..."
"Trey has been my ABSOLUTE BEST music producer!! It was my 2nd time to ask him arrangement, he is super responsible and prompt. Communication with him is always smooth and clear, he understands what exactly I want an..."
"Yet another awesome project completed. Killian does an amazing job and get the work completed quickly and on time. "