Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Yin-Yang Master
100,000,000+ million streams across all platforms & major credits in campaigns for “The Walking Dead”, “League of Legends” and more.
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I'm a mixing engineer currently located in Toronto, Canada. Working with artists and producers of all levels and from all parts of the world. I take great pride in creating engaging, exciting mixes and putting my clients needs first.
Pro solutions for your record. Pro vocals, sound designing, mastering, songwriting and more for low prices.
I am a music producer, music composer, audio engineer, and mastering engineer. I have 5+ years of experience of music production and audio engineering. My main DAWs are Logic Pro X and Ableton Live. I am classically trained in piano and can arrange songs as well. I have a wide range of experience of mixing EDM, Pop and many other genres.
“Emma White’s pop savvy vocal and sugary groove ooze unabashed hope & undeniable promise.” - BMI Emma White named by Rolling Stone as a Top 10 Artist to Know
Proudly Mexican music producer with more than 6 years of experience. Creating productions of different styles. My content is not involved in 1 sub-genre, I do not produce only 1 style, I always try to change, experiment and create new content, try to innovate and find the sound that you are looking for.
I'm playing on 5 types of guitars(classical, acoustic, electric, bass, ukulele). I'm doing editing in DAW very fast, i edited many conferences. I can clean vocals, and it continue sound naturaly, and becoming cleaner. I'm doing acoustic covers, doing arrangement in pop-rock genre very fast. I have good knowledge of music theory.
West Coast Style Bassplayer.
I'm producer and audio engineer
Recent Successes
"I Highly recommend Chad! Very professional great at what he does. Will really turn up your sound quality! And great with communication."
"Wow! Just wow! Justin took my vision and brought to fruition. Not only did he bring my dream into reality, he took it and made it better than I could imagine. True professional. Thank you Justin."
"Natalie is Awesome! She's very talented and professional. Great comunication with fast turn around time and genius ideas. Can't wait to work with her again in the future!"
"Brian took the time to listen to my mix and establish the areas of the track that required enhancing or limiting, whilst maintaining the song’s original dynamics. His attention to detail and analytical approach meant ..."
"Daniel did an amazing job on the project we worked on; he was super professional, super effective and he really understood the intentions of the song. I really appreciated working with him... I will definitely come ba..."
"Had a great time working with James again on another project. The mixes/masters came out beautifully as always!"
"Just amazing experience with Tim! Responding quickly, deadlines on time. The most amazing things that he understood exactly what I wanted and everything is organized very well!🤩🙌 Definitely I’ll choose him again!"
"Really enjoyed the collaboration : ) Response time was fantastic as well as the delivery. Look forward to working again on the next project very soon! "
"Killer melodies!! Very patient and always striving for the best! I wanted a killer track, she delivered. Def recommend "
"Peppa is one of the most professional vocalists I have met sofar in Germany and the UK. Lost for words everytime I listen to what she´s done. A truly reliable and lovely person. Stefan"