Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with the voice argentina 2021
Hi, my name is Victoria May and I'm a singer/song-writer from England, now based in Argentina. I've been doing music for many years, writing and singing my own songs. I've always had a strong passion for writing music and I feel I can really connect with other people's emotions and put them into words. I really look forward to working with you :)
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Hello, I am one of many in this world making a living as musician. I am happy to be part of the cosmic dance and bringing joy to people for the last 15 years. I've played with Candlebox, LIVE, The Gracious Few, The Kings Royal, Bad Donkey, many many sessions and now with Royal Bliss.
Focused on your creative vision. Hi, I'm CJ!
Hello! I have been creating original music for 5 years all while learning how to mix and master these tracks to take the sound to a professional quality. I can do the same for your tracks. If you are struggling to get your mixes and masters the way you want them I can help.
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Lets make some Tunes
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Recent Successes
"Work with Lynz through SoundBetter and in person in California. Created an original sound from my song references and rearranged lyrics for better lyrical flow. Fast turnaround. Talented and will only get better throu..."
"Jordan is the best ever! You can really feel the experience and confidence he brings to your track. The sound quality is phenomenal as well. Communication is flawless, can't wait to work with him on some more tunes."
"Leah’s vocal performance was superb and it was a delight to work with her. Her harmonies, ad libs, and backup vocals were singularly stunning. Totally professional in every aspect, her exceptional tone, pocket, pitc..."
""Supa" quick ! and very understanding :) "
"Was a pleasure to work with! Wonderful Voice and cool Dude! Was fun working with him! I will definitely work again with him! "
"I love Candela! she always surprises me by making my song better than I originally hear it in my head when composing it!"
"This was my 2nd time working with John, and once again it was a great experience! He was able to fit my project into his schedule and delivered great-sounding bass performances that were recorded really well. I'm look..."
"Jason is definitely the man with the versatile beats. "
"Cristian has been a pleasure to work with. Quick delivery, amazing orchestration, very well mixed. He composed a piece for me and I will continue working with him! Highly recommend! "