Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Trade Offs
I've been writing and producing music for the past 20 years. Have international touring and performing experience for the same amount of time. I love collaboration and trying to find the true essence of a song.
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Hello There!
I've performed, produced, and recorded projects of all genres, which has given me a well rounded and versatile sound when creating productions for new clients. I am easily inspired and highly collaborative. Let's create something awesome together!
Meet Duc Tam Van, the sensational electronic house music producer taking the music scene by storm. With a deep passion for crafting infectious beats and captivating melodies, Duc Tam Van creates a sonic landscape that transports listeners to euphoric realms of rhythm and sound.
Producing dance music until 2015 my track "Paper Trail" Has over 1 million plays on spotify. Since then I have been a pioneer in the online beat selling industry making 6 figures+ per year through beatstars. See my tutorials & remakes on my youtube some videos - such as my "Blinding Lights" remake, have over 1 million views. Looking to work
I specialize in digging into the emotional storytelling landscape of a song and crafting interesting and unique arrangements that make people sit up and pay attention. I flesh out your songs with creative melodies, sonic soundscapes, and a unique production approach to make your song stand out in the noise. I love working with singer/songwriters!
Mixing and Mastering engineer based on Barcelona. I stay true to my clients concept/vision and my own rigorous standards while maintaining the fast-paced multifaceted workflow required in post media production.
More than 300 songs recorded from my home studio. I have recorded drums for many artists around the world.
3x Grammy Nominated Producer Mixing songs with 1,000,000,000+ streams worldwide. I have worked on major releases such as Kx5 - Kaskade vs Deadmau5, Sofi Tukker and Loud Luxury.
Recent Successes
"Ari was an absolute pleasure to work with! Quick turnaround, amazing voice & very professional! "
"My second full mix gig with Micah, who's now my go to for this sorta thing. Great work as always! This song involved many different support vocal layers. Micah found a way avoid clutter and give each part space to shi..."
"Kevin is super sharp and pulled out a nice sound for a demo on which the singer recorded a vocal with some problematic room noise and kevin was able to work with it and make it sound great! Will def keep working with ..."
"Really really talented young composer, full of passion and willingness to leave his own impact. I have ordered an arrangement for an acoustic version of one of my song. Couldnt be happied with the result and overall e..."
"Had the chance to work with Paul for the second time, and boy, really happy for his contribution to my project. Highly recommend!! "
"Robbie Rosen was excellent. He is very patient, great listener, skillful and very creative. We truly enjoy working with Robbie and expect to continue working with him in the future. Thank you Robbie for sharing your ..."
"Philip went beyond my expectations! I love what he has done with a remix of my track and can't wait to share it with the world. Philip understood what the track needed and was able to work with my ideas and use hi..."
"Sara is simply amazing! Already our 6th song together, and certainly not the last one! She is a talented songwriter with an amazing voice!!"
"Talented musician, easy to work with. Thanks! "
"Andres did it again! Appreciate the time and patience and the effort he puts into my masters!"