Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Trade Offs
I've been writing and producing music for the past 20 years. Have international touring and performing experience for the same amount of time. I love collaboration and trying to find the true essence of a song.
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I am a tertiary educated music producer and audio engineer living in Sydney, Australia. I am readily trying to create new sounds and music that inspires and evokes emotion within people. I am also a musician with my areas of expertise being guitar and vocals.
Vocal editing & tuning, keyboardist/sound designer, singer, composer
I sing from the heart and express through voice!
#IAmMe to the fullest and I'm the one and only "J X The Perfectionist".
I work on projects I'm passionate about and think I can honestly and effectively contribute to. I lean toward the experimental and value difference. I'm not a "do it everything" kind of producer. If you're interested in working me, you're familiar with my professional output as an artist/composer and can see our working together as good fit.
I'm a mixing engineer. My main monitors are: Yamaha NS10 Studio. I also use Senheiser HD650 to clean vocal and prepare to every track for mix.
Have a listen to my work and you'll know if I'm your guy.
I'm a pro music producer/composer and stringed instruments specialist.
Recent Successes
"The perfect man for the job. We are a family band with rough vocals from kids and amateur adults. Jeff made us sound radio ready. Super professional, swift delivery, very happy with the end result. "
"top notch. super professional. total pleasure. "
"Q went above and beyond - produced exactly what I had in mind, and a super fast turnaround time. Absolute pleasure!"
"always amazing to work with, super responsive and always makes edits until its perfect! "
"She is the best vocalist. She did her best on the project. I was able to do an interesting project. I want to work with her next time."
"Gekko produced an instrumental for my new song. I sent him a rough demo and requested to make it sound like modern chart hits. He delivered a great sounding instrumental in just two days from the project start date, a..."
"It was very easy to work with Gabriela. Good communication. Quality sound files. Perfect."
"Elias always does an incredible job when comping and quantizing drums for me. My most recent track had quite a bit of edits, but the cuts were seamless and the drums sound tight and still natural. Amazing work as usual!"