Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Shape
I don't Have 3 million Streams, What I do have is the ability that I can make it slam through the speakers, Loud and Proud, My mixes are Clean Big and Punchy, I would love to make yours Shine,
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Newtunes is a talented producer trio based in Copenhagen, Denmark. In spite of the guys young age they are already having an impressive CV with work ranging from producing the electro soul diva, Ida Corr(''Let Me Think About it'') to remixing the rising EDM stars, Blasterjaxx. Contact: Contact@newtunes.dk
Edy got his nickname "Magic" from an artist that said: "You're so fast it's like magic, we should call you Edy magic" and it stuck. Edy Magic has worked with hundreds of artists from around the world since he first started back in 2009. His mixes and projects have been heard from Brazil to China to Africa to the Middle East and many more. His work
'Alan is my first port of call for fresh and cool music; be it an orchestral score or the simulation of a punk rock needle drop. He is a versatile and passionate talent.' Nicholas Copus, Producer & Director - Day of the Triffids, Flash, Lethal Weapon
Always play for the music and come up with ear candy that serves the vibe and sets the song apart. I've played with some of the most recognizable names in the business, Avril Lavigne, Carrie Underwood and others. Music and the recording process is an art and I love it....let's make some beautiful noise!
Mixing R&B, Pop and Hip Hop. Producing R&B, Pop, Hip Hop, Rock.
Pro Session Drummer, Toured with different artists over 5 years. Based in the United States originally from Nigeria.
I will professionally produce your track, song or demo
Millions of streams across Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube for underground artists like The .Shrine, Cozy James, Akio and Domchez.
Recent Successes
"Fantastic mixing! He mixed my entire EP in a timely manner and met all of my expectations and went further. Can't recommend him enough."
"Mark is so great at music it’s ridiculous, not only for bass guitar, but, also production and song arrangement help, and his drummer is top notch pro as well... Mark can satisfy just about every musical itch you’ve go..."
"Thanks for work with me Alix!! "
"It was great working with Sabryna. Her works met my expectation—very high-quality vocal recording, fast response, and easy to communicate. I highly recommended her to new customers. I will work with her again in the f..."
"It was great working with Joanna. Her work met my expectation, fast response, and easy to communicate. "
"Mike is very patient and accommodating. He’s a very skilled musician and nailed the track on the first try with ease. It was exactly what I needed. It was a breeze working with him. Contact Mike today! "
"Quick responds, Very cooporative and easy individual to work with, We will for sure be back again, Thank you so much. "
"Ivy Marie is a phenomenal singer. She makes my music sound 10 times better. Highly recommend, no doubt about it! "