Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Roof
Delivering professional masters by enhancing the impact, detail, and imaging of your songs.
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Platinum & Billboard charting Engineer/Producer based in Toronto. Credits: Chris Brown, Jack Harlow, Preme, 6ixbuzz, 3MFrench, Pengz, Eric Reprid, Patrick CC, Jonah Zed
You put your heart and soul into your music, don't let your mix break it!
Record Mixing Imagineer Ludacris fast and furious Act A Fool
Professional vocalist/songwriter/producer for 7+ years, based in Los Angeles. Nina's songwriting/vocal work has over 20 million streams and her credits include "Only One" with Illenium, "Fired up" with Kayzo, and tracks with Joachim Garraud. Her work has been featured on Billboard, COMPLEX, and released on Proximity, AIA, MrSuicideSheep.
Hello, I am a passionate vocalist and songwriter with an extensive vocal range, and a sweet and sultry sound. I thrive on creativity and aspire to uplift others through music and lyrics. Contact me to bring your project to life.
200k+ Streams, Specializing in Trap, Hip Hop & R&B I'm here to bring your musical visions to life.
Alan Bush is a critically-acclaimed Audio Engineer and Production Specialist with over 15 years of experience in transforming live performances through dynamic mixing and technical precision. He is known for creating high-impact sound environments that elevate the emotional impact of live events and worship services.
Creative solutions to your musical pain points solved!!!! Check out my work. If you like it, I'm here to help.
Recent Successes
"I submitted an R&B track for Diamond Studios and they did a fantastic job. Others I tried either did not have a clue about mixing and Mastering R&B music or they were continually sending inadequate work for the purpos..."
"Eileen is amazing, she is a genius, incredible experience! This is song number 6 finished and we work on number 7 and 8. She is awesome in EDM and Latin Music. Number 9 will be a lounge track and I know she gonna nail..."
"it was a great decision hiring jagon to produce my track . hes very talented , and hardworking , and hes also got the patience of a saint , so I can definitely recommend him to others"
"It was a pleasure working Kevin. Within a short amount of time, he managed to realize my concept into a finished song, aligning wth my vision perfectly. "
"Kerry is an awesome musician and is super easy to deal with. The piano track I got from her sounds absolutely gorgeous and is mix-ready. Communication was great and turnaround time was super quick. I'll definitely hir..."
"This review marks a second successful partnership with Emanuele. As before, he can take a simple idea, explore its unique character and develop it as musically intuited within a short window of time. Highly recommended!"
"Gabe is communicative, patient, and thorough. I sent him a project on an acoustic track and he delivered on the project with great turnaround time. He's very talented and I highly recommend."
"Jacob is super easy to work with and really concerned and professional about his projects. He was always for me and had a lot of patience!!!! He produced my second single and couldn't be happier ❤️🔥 thank you Jacob"