Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Ragged Few - You Better Run
I am a session guitarist and mandolinist with 30+ years of studio experience working with artists to create for the song. Skilled in Rock, Country, R and B, Funk, Bluegrass, and Metal. Accomplished player in lead, rhythm, fingerstyle, slide, chicken picking, flatpicking, and classical. High quality gear. Checkout audio sample for styles.
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Hi, I'd love to add vocoder to your song! I also do full production and bass tracks. I have a master's in music and have been lucky to get to play all over the world.
Singalong melodies, honest lyrics, song poetry and friendliness
I am a certified degree graduate in Audio Production & Engineering. I specialize in production of tracks/instrumentals. I also Mix and Master any full song or instrumental to Radio Ready Quality on all medias/devices.
Sad boi producer with a rock/hip-hop background; no challenge is too great.
Recent sessions include: JP Cooper, Pam Shayne (Christina Aguilera - 'Genie in A Bottle'), JC Chasez (NSYNC), Call Me Loop, Chelcee Grimes (Dua Lipa, Zara Larsson), Hannah Larsson, And more | Writing | Production | Mixing | Mastering | Session Vocalist | Session Keys | Session Guitar
I have gone to X Factor Denmark Casting one time and got a green ticket. I have performed my own original rap song dedicated to my family and the producers really liked it.
Tristan Palmer Studio is a graphic design studio led by Creative Director, Tristan Palmer. No surprises there. Since 2013 we have combined art direction, brand identity design, and website development to offer long-term creative support and guidance for clients in music, entertainment and more.
Upcoming Producer/Songwriter based in Los Angeles.
Recent Successes
"Does the job perfect ! Will use him again that's for sure! I've recorded with a LOT of drummers..but giving a song away and getting it back with recorded drums AND without a need to comment/ criticize ..that's very un..."
"Awesome guy with a huge talent!! This is what we call "being professional". Five stars cause we can just give him five stars...! Top level!"
"Justin did an excellent job adding sound to my lyrics. I am new to this, so I appreciate his advice but wish that he'd given it prior to completing the song. It could've been adjusted to be more commercial."
"Working with Kiki was exceptional! The vocals she sent are beautiful, detailed and full of emotions. Kiki has great communication skills and she understood the vibe we were going for immediately! Everything was on tim..."
"He is the best engineer! I was so moved by his work. He really enhanced my music. Also I was so satisfied with his service. He advised me to change the vocal mix little big for better result and he was right!! I appre..."
"Kevin is an outstanding engineer with a pedigree to match. In short Kevin delivered exactly the sound I went to him to get. He is the type of mixer that will not get in the way of the artist or producer. Kevin is an e..."
"We were very fortunate to have chosen Chase to work with us on an exciting project. His exceptional talent and professionalism made the whole process seamless and enjoyable."