Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Plutos
Professional Singer, Multi-Instrumentalist, and Certified Audio Engineer based in Portland, Oregon with over 25 years of experience. I provide high-quality recordings of Lead and Backing Vocals, Acoustic and Electric Guitar, and Bass. I also offer Mixing and Mastering Services as well as Editing, Comping, Tuning, etc.
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Curiosidade: O primeiro na Bahia, a difundir o uso de composição e canto com o Drum and Bass, Jungle e Drum and Bossa. Além de unir num formato singular para a época, os elementos: Voz, DJ, Guitarra e Baixo Live. Tanto ao vivo, quanto em Álbum.
I have been producing and engineering for about 5 years now. I am also a musician. I’ve been playing piano for 13 years.
Recorded and toured around the world with Avishai Cohen, Idan Raichel's project and Jviews (arranged and orchestrated music for live shows), to name a few. Accompanied and arranged music for reknown Israeli artists. Rich experienced. Known Thanks to his great sensitivity, deep, warm sound as a composer, singer, session player and arranger.
Hey there! I'm a singer/songwriter and topliner who specializes in Pop, Soul, Acoustic and EDM. I've also worked on the business side of the industry for 5 years and have knowledge in sync licensing.
Pro mixing/mastering engineer specializing in cinematic and orchestral music. I've spent the last decade working with award winning composers like Brianna Tam, Ardie Son, Eric Heitmann, Alstad, and Kevin Graham. I can deliver you incredible mixes and masters that are ready to be heard by the world!
I have produced Hip hop music for top American Rapper like: Pop Stunna, Lil baby, Massaratti...etc I have produced top selling Afro Music for Afro Musicians like, Jaydboy, Hitee, Maxmarcel
Grammy Nominated/Academy Award and Golden Globe Winning Songwriter/Producer/Artist/multi Instrumentalist. I can help you with any and all of these categories. I have an a studio with lots of analog gear along with Digital and Analog recording. 16 track 2" tape along with Pro Tools.
20+ Years in the music business as a critically acclaimed solo artist producing 'surreal pop' and 'eclectic electronica'. Appearing on everything from Playstation games to Worldwide advertising campaigns.
Recent Successes
"I am super happy with my mixing and mastering by the one and only SAVY FONTANA! Savy took the time, tweaked and fixed every problem and made sure I am 100% happy! My remix sounds wonderful thanks to his talent. I High..."
"Vince did an excellent job with our track, and communicated very regularly and effectively. He took on the task with a great attitude and was very open to suggestions. It was an absolute joy to work with him, and I wo..."
"Michael took my track in such a cool direction will def be working with him again! "
"Dude, this sounds great! Thanks so much!!! "
"Working with Dan was a blast, he was very mindful and totally understood what I was aiming for in terms of mixing. He was very reactive and friendly, with a genuine enthusiasm toward the music and how to make it so..."
"Brandon did a superb job singing lead vocals on two songs. He delivered the goods in every way. His intonation and feel were right on. We will certainly hope to work with him again."
"Over and over again Kuyano and I create something great. He always polishes and gets my ideas down, we tweak and get it to amazing levels every single time. Clarity, warmth, low end. Finding that balance is key, and h..."
"Very talented singer and fast work!! Worked on an EDM song together (both songwriting and vocals) and has a bright & charming voice I was looking for! Definitely would like to work together again!"
"I went to 3 different engineers trying to get the right sound, and now I wish I would have started with Jeff. Jeff is patient and understanding, and had a great attitude about my requests. On top of it all, he did a g..."