Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Pink Nostalgia
Your vision - AMPLIFIED Powerful, thundering beats made for clubs - clarity and space throughout.
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We are a new studio specializing in artist development, recording, mixing, mastering, photo, video, etc. One stop shop.
well this is so not cool
We offer Recording, mixing and mastering services. With professional composers, studio musicians, vocalists and choir we also create music for theatre and films.
Producer of many project: -Marvin the martial on youtube by Lil Ony. -Mixing music engineer on course by Fuad Murad. -Producer and mixing genre as Rock, Pop, Trap, Rap, Edm. Also Male Singer
Songwriter and producer ready to collaborate in your most passionate projects. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to experiment with different music :D
Once upon a time the energiser bunny made love to a musical octopus and they had child…me! I've lived onstage & in recording studios for nearly 3 decades. Collaborating with artists and producers is what I do. I channel all of my energy, my heart and my soul into every project that I am a part of.
Chandresh Kumar aka Turnext is all about music. His interest and skill set in music is till an extent that he can create a professional music album from the scratch on his own Like:- Lyrics and songwriting till, Producing Music And Mixing Tracks ). Turnext has worked with several artists from Himachal Pradesh as a mixing engineer and producer.
I'm open-minded free thinker and I'm ready to work I'm up for challenges and I love meeting and connecting with new people.
Recent Successes
"Really enjoyed working with Austin, he provides a high quality recording and he has a great contemporary voice. Highly recommend!!!"
"I had another successful session with Mich. Highly recommended him."
"Denny is a pleasure to work with, he delivered a high quality vocal along with high quality stems. I would definitely recommend Denny to other producers!! And I am looking forward to a other collaboration with Denny!"
"A very kind professional who was super easy and efficient to communicate with. I loved my results with Marcelo, you will too! "
"Faith is an unbelievably talented artist! we had a fantastic time working on my track and I would highly recommend her! She is super attentive, caring and willing to dig in to get an awesome result.... I am very happy..."
"Wonderful work! "
"Klaas did a wonderful job. The communication was very pleasant, easy, always friendly, and totally efficient - amazing to work with. The highest level of professionalism was shown, and change requests were handled and..."
"Marcelo came up with the best drum production for my song! Hope to work with him again."
"Wow, Deanie is so smooth and really knows her craft, she gave our song the feel it needed and harmonized beautifully and gave us four fiddle tracks too! Our song was very full production wise and she complemented the ..."
"This is my second time to work with Bobby John and I'm just as impressed as the first time! He takes his time to make sure that the result is exactly what you want, while being a friendly, professional and amazing guy..."