Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The People of 2020
Vibey keys with a jazzy flair and strong compositional angles... specializes in chordal harmony to give tunes an extra punch 👊
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Mind Invasion1.0 is a newly innovative concept that allows you to buy tracks from our ghost production team which is a great way to help you develop your career.
Hello I'm Oliver, a professional guitarist and musician. I can provide professorially recorded remote session guitar tracks from my home setup. I am an experienced in providing tracks remotely and have done working closely with artist such as John Holden (performing alongside Oliver Wakeman and Billy Sherwood of Yes) and Claire Hamill among others.
Starting age 14 I learned playing bass via my elder brother and some friends. Age 18 started at the Lindenberg Music School with jazz guitar, age 20 took bass lessons with international acclaimed bassplayer, age 33 had my own Amsterdam jam session.
the guitar has to speak to the song
I've been songwriting, singing, and producing since I was in elementary school, and my songwriting awards and 1.2 million total Spotify streams are a testament to that. I can bring a professional, yet emotion-filled quality to your project. Let's make something cool!
Producer/Songwriter for Pop, EDM, Trap and Hip Hop
It’s Ce-di-wap
Professional producer, mixing engineer and Songwriter based in Leipzig Germany, specializing in House, Chillhouse, Pop, and Hip-Hop, with a knack for original sounds, catchy melodies, and meeting the highest quality standards – explore new sonic possibilities for your next hit!
Recent Successes
"Excellent composition, sounds and playing every time!"
"Ziv is extremely organised and professional with a friendly manner. His work is very thorough, he listened carefully to what I wanted and made some helpful suggestions. I am delighted with the results and will ..."
"Glenn did a really great job for me again! It was so fast and qualitative. The track has become groovy and dark. Can't wait to collaborate with him again. "
"Aaron is very professional and expressed excellent flexibility working on this project. I appreciated how hard he worked to get these tracks back to me in such short notice. I went from one song to four, and he unders..."
"Spencer is an amazing guitarist and vocalist. He was able to nail a complicated three part harmony of perfectly and delivered quickly. He’s enthusiastic and a great collaborator. Perfect to have on your team."
"What more can I say that others haven't said already. It was such a joy working with Sönke. When he said down to record somehow he knew exactly what sound I was looking for and nailed it 1st time around. "
"Jonny is always a pleasure to work with! He can do it all (guitar, electric guitar, dobro, steel) - he's the best!"
"I recently worked with Evren for mastering a song and was thoroughly impressed. He provided detailed feedback on my mix and shared valuable tips. My track included instruments like the oud and dombek. His Turkish back..."