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The Parklands Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Latin Grammy nomination and participations, Grammy participations; with more than 20 years of experience. Co-wrote "A Prueba De Ti" (by Malú), which reached #1 in Spain. Co-wrote "Ángel Cruel" (by CD9), an Éxito SACM 2015. More than 10 billion streams.
world acclaimed music producer/remixer/composer music aired on bbc radio 1,signed to gremmy nominee todd terrys inhouse label, 2014 uk winner of the corona sunsets producer championships
Top-notch western orchestral training meets Indian music for a sound you won't find anywhere else! You can hear my cello and arrangements on India's MTV Coke Studio, Netflix "Sacred games" and in number of adfilms, documentaries, Bollywood films, and albums.
Hello and thank you for stopping by. I am part of a music and sound design writing team for tv, film and the gaming industries.
Our horn section is featured on many Indie and Major labels. We are the brass section you hear on "All of the lights" by Kanye west, "Somewhere in america" by Jay Z and Blues Hall-of-fame artist Wily Bo Walker, The Simpsons and others.
Alternative Rock/Pop/Indie/Folk/Punk is in my veins playing for 20+years, plenty of experience performing and recording, easy going but super focused...this is what I live for, up for any challenge and straight to the point.
I am an indie rock mix engineer working in the Portland-Metro Area.
Eugenio Taicuz, es un Dj, compositor y productor ecuatoriano
Recent Successes
"Hugo is an incredible drummer who has fantastic timing and skill!"
"Chris has a way of taking the music of your song to unimaginable levels making it far better than it was. I'm truly blessed to have this amazing producer in my life. "
"It was great working with Jen, super talented with incredible voice, willing to listen, adapt, and deliver an energetic and gripping performance! "
"Thank you Chuck for your help getting the right groove on this track, you nailed it, and helped me get it done right! "
"Bri has a lush dreamy voice and is awesome to work with. Highly recommend her!"
"Always TOP NOTCH, no excuses, always shows up and does the job with attention to detail. I couldn't ask for more. EYAL ALWAYS DELIVERS!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? HIRE HIM!!!"
"Thank you again Mercedes for your incredible work! I was able to meet my deadline, I hope to work again soon! :) "