Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with the nadas
We have a stable of great musicians, real gear, with tape capabilities. Real organ, real piano, real rhodes and wurly, about any amp and guitar/bass combo you can think of.
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Hi. I'm a swedish songwriter/musican and artist. My songs had over million of streams and radio plays. Mixing/Songwriting/Recording your music. I will always aim to make the very best job done for you.
Im a graduate of Full Sail University where I received my bachelors in music production. I am a avid certified engineer. I am the lead engineer at verified Studio and sayless Studio. I have mixed many genres of songs but specialize in rap, trap, R&B
BFA Graduate of Electroacoustic Studies at Concordia University With an Acknowledgement of Marketing Consultancy Sound Recording Engineer // Sound Designer // Producer // Composer
Radio ready audio mixing and mastering.
Real Drum performances with industry standard samples.
Producer of Rock/Electronic project Ghostatic with Spotify Editorial Playlist placements and features on top playlists.
Recent Successes
"Great job. Very pro."
"It was a real pleasure working with Killian. He's very creative and really professional. This was actually the first time I worked with him but definitely not the last. Will be working together on the new material ver..."
"This is my second time working with Brandon. The energy hasn’t faded. Very consistent and a great mind to work with. I have a few more songs that need mixing and I’ll definitely be asking Brandon to help me, you shoul..."
"You can trust that Mason knows what he is doing!! Great work, so happy with outcome and can't wait to share with everyone :)"
"I was looking for some professional gloss that my track was lacking. Austin delivered with his fantastic skills and attention to detail. Best mix I've ever had on a track and some great production ideas. Fantastic com..."
"Simon has a very special talent for breathing life into a mix, giving it depth and evolution. I was very happy with his work and his incredible level of courtesy and communication! I hope this is not the last time I ..."
"Once again a perfect collaboration. The way Michael works is exemplary. The piano parts - what can I say: Simply unbelievably good. He responds so well to the song and conjures up a great piano line. I'm looking forwa..."