Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Lowly Heirs
Nashville-based mix engineer whose credits span from the legendary Jars of Clay to the hit tv show The Chosen. I'm a mixer with an emphasis is in musicality, dynamic range, creativity and expression. I have mixed songs and records that have topped charts and radio in multiple genres. And no matter what, I always mix in support of the song or film.
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-Bilingual (english-spanish) MC, songwriter, singer, lyricist. -Lead voice in Disco Fiera (facebook.com/discofiera) -Excellent lyrics, flow, tuning. -Recording in professional studio -Ableton Live, Cubase, Pro Tools, Reason- -Co-creator of LatinHipFunk
Looking for that radio sounding mix, vocals, or production? Are your songs missing that clarity and quality? Well look no further... You've found the person that has the experience and skills that you need for your music to sound it's very best! I put my heart and my all into music because this is my passion
Hi ! I'm a 26 years old sound engineer who's looking for interesting project to work with.
I can write and sing choruses, verses or complete vocals for your song.
Hey! My name is Damian Ferrari, I´m a Producer, songwriter,+ vocalist who specializes in making unique jingles for advertising.
Engineering releases published by Premiere Classe, Trap Nation, Lowly Palace & various world renowned record labels - Teez brings life into his productions & all projects he accepts to engineer. Teez specializes in advanced audio production, dynamic enhancement & stereo imaging. Creating all processes into brilliant pictures of sound.
I'll give you your own distintive commercial sound! And help you make money from your music. Book a free 15 mins consultation.
Professional Mixing & Mastering engineer with a Master of Music in Music Production, Technology, and Innovation from Berklee College of Music and a BA in Sound and Music Production from the University of Lincoln, UK. My vast knowledge of both post-production and production can bring any song to the commercial standard you so desire.
Recent Successes
"As Always a pleasure to work with and so professional and attentive to every detail. Can't say enough about Lachi!!"
"Wes was really amazing! He is extremely talented and delivers a high quality. definately one of the best around here! Looking forward to more collabs"
"I cannot say enough good things about this girl! She took her time and really helped me achieve what I was looking for in a song. She is not only an extremely talented songwriter but her vocals are insane! She also..."
"Austin is really awesome to work with. Really takes his time with his mixing and mastering, and wants the track to sound exactly the way you envision it. We will use him again in the future 100% "
"Michael is an incredibly talented musician and pianist!!! He beautifully paired my lyrics, voice and feelings with his piano and composition skills. He brought to life my most heart felt written song. He is amazing! H..."
"Where should I start... I'd like to give 10 stars. Trippz is simply the best. Extremely sympathetic, very friendly and quick to deliver. Trippz is fu**ing amazing!!! Thank you so much ma man! "
"Scott once again delivered a professional quality product in a timely manner"
"Ariel is awesome to work with. Very professional and very detail oriented. I rarely work with someone and don't have any notes when they send back a mix but with Ariel that's exactly what happened. I had no notes. I w..."
"Way above..Fast, Humble, Incredible voice, Accurate. The professional indeed."
"It was a pleasure to work with Undy, she understood the song perfectly and made the work easy and pleasant. Totally recommended!"