Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Happy Homeless
I'm a vocalist and singer/songwriter with over 5 years of professional experience in the industry. I've collaborated with various artists on their soundtracks (both anonymously and as a featured vocalist). If you have a soundtrack you need vocals for, don't hesitate to reach out. I'd love to collaborate.
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Rob Paterson is a versatile producer/engineer/performer with 16 years experience in the music industry.
I am a Sydney based engineer and producer, specialising in indie rock and singer songwriter music. Having worked with Julia Jacklin and King Gizzard and the Lizard wizzard in the most recent years
I am acoustic hip hop.
City Wide Multi Media Group is a boutique music production, recording, and mixing studio that offers a world class creative experience catering to the best in music. CityWide Studios offers artists full access to an exclusive private locked down facility or work with some of the best audio engineers in the Midwest via remote access/file transfers.
I can provide guitar samples, riffs, solos, over any genre of music. I also specialize in hip hop beat production as well as rap verses as features. Highly conscious and lyrical.
I specialize in writing catchy songs with strong hooks, at an affordable price. With over 1 million streams worldwide through my songwriting
Hi, I‘m J.Angel, Rapper , Producer , Mixing and Mastering „Engineer“ , I learn every of my skills by myself , I try to get me some money by mixing , mastering or producing your track, of course because I only getting started I don’t got no references beside my own music, give me a chance , promise you won’t regret it! I mix Rap, Trap, Drill Sound
Versatility is key, I love it all! I deeply enjoy every aspect of creating music, and I write, produce, and mix my own stuff, which gave me the skills to work for others! Whatever aspect of the song you need help with, I'm sure I can make it happen.
Recent Successes
"Talk about quick and responsive. I defiantly recommend them from a professional stand point. Great equipment as well as great work. Final project flawless."
"Harry is a really talented musician. He was super professional to work with, and delivered a really great contemporary sounding vocal with extra harmonies and ad-libs. Will work with him again for sure!"
"Noah M. Sometimes you run into people or a situation that you have know clue what the outcome will be. You just hope something good will come out of it. To much good came from working with this beautiful woman. She..."
"Another great experience working with Camilo, thank you!"
"Alex is easily the best drummer I've hired for the project I was working on. He is professional, communicative and takes the time to deliver his best work. 10/10 - I hire him for everything now!"
"Elliot was fantastic from the get-go, friendly, courteous, and very clear about estimates. Did a wonderful job on mastering too, will definitely use his skills again in the future. :)"
"Clear communication, super prompt and attentive, and most importantly HIS WORK IS SPECTACULAR. I'm completely floored and delighted!!"
"Joey is an awesome singer whose vocal prowess and style extend to a variety of musical styles. He goes the extra mile to ensure his vocal versatility shines brightly throughout and consistently delivers well above ex..."
"Marcello always goes above and beyond to help out. He does phenomenal work and has the best attitude. "
"Beautiful bass lines and amazing drums, another great inst from Marcello!!! Highly recommend!!!!!!!!!"
"Working with Andrei has once again been a success! This time we tried something a little different and made an absolute disco pop banger! The way he mixes is amazing and I Can’t recommend him enough! "