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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Grapes of Wrath (2 platinum and 1 gold albums - singer/guitarist)
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Contact if you want your songs mixed and edited. Rjalicearecording@gmail.com
GROOVE. The only thing that matters. Working as a session bassist at Pop, Funk, Disco, & Rock bands. Get your 5-strings groove bass line right now!
I suck at selling myself but I’m pretty good at this
I do musical solutions for my clients primarily for media. Video games, tv/series, music production for records. No problem I got you. I always work hard and do my best so the product always comes out as good as it possibly can and my clients can get the best out of themselves. I offer feedback on performance, collaboration if you wish so.
Nothing in this world makes you feel more than music. Let's do this together and make the best we can do out of it.
I'll help you unlock your music's full potential, contact me and let's make some magic!
I'm Jonathan, and if you are after folk rock jangle, 60's psychedelia, and spontaneous touches that will take your music to new places, I can help. I listen closely and find ways to make your work fulfill its deeper vision.
I'm a music producer and an Audio Engineer in the making. I'm able to produce any kind of style or music genre, but I stand out in the production of EDM.
Recent Successes
"Outstanding voice and very professional . Pitch perfect and try's hard to please really talented singer "
"Production Wizard!! These beats are INSANE"
"LeRome is a pleasure to work with. He is very creative and talented. He goes above and beyond the normal quality of todays best music. Blessed!"
"Professional and very talented! She nailed the vocals I was looking for for my pop track, and got them done in a timely and impressive manner. Also great instincts for melodies and harmonies. Beautiful voice! Definite..."
"Yet again Leandro has delivered above and beyond. This is your go to guy for piano."
"When I grow up I wanna be Ryan Kinder 🤣 That dude is so incredibly talented! It's always a pleasure making music with him!"
"I’m the luckiest person on earth today, thank you to Milana !"
"My 3rd song with Kevin is again a superb production. You'd easily be wowed by how versatile he is as this song has some intricate flow changes that will give one hard time while the other given restriction is the prod..."
"Tim always goes above and beyond to provide you with the best! He’s also been an invaluable voice for me when he puts on his “producer hat” and tells me what he’s hearing. Thank you, Tim!"