Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with "The Equalizer 2"
I've produced music for the "Peaky Blinders", "Minions", "Black Panther" trailers - now i can produce yours
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Craving that eargasmic sound that rockets your tracks into the stratosphere? You’re in the right place. Grammy winners? Been there. Top-shelf artists? Done that. I’m all about dialing up your sound to epic proportions. You want next-level? You got it. Let's not just break the mold—let's smash it to pieces.
Hello, I'm a Music Producer, Musician, Mastering & Mixing Engineer, Composer, Arranger. Working over 10 years in the music industry. Most experience in Electronic, EDM, Techno genres, but also worked with Pop, Chill, Soundtrack music.
Full time Pop producer, Studio engineer and Royal Birmingham Conservatoire Alumni. For me, production is like a puzzle, how do I make YOU sound as good as possible? My guarantee: if you choose to work with me, I will spend as much time as we need to create a really unique and more importantly, authentic production.
I craft soundscapes that the performer can inhabit. Stand out from your competition by working with an award-winning songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
Laid back recording studio with a great selection of gear and budget pricing.
I am keyboard player live and studio since long time
Producer/ Mixer/ Song Creator/ Game Audio
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Recent Successes
"Joe is an unbelievebly good singer! First of all his voice is so outstanding you start thinking he is a famous singer who decided to give away his vocals almost free. Second, he sings all notes right since first take ..."
"Andres is an absolute pleasure to work with and his masters are world class! Highly recommended!"
"Nobody is as patient, hardworking, understanding of what the customer wants, and talented as Killian. He really cares about making the product the best it can be. I couldn't recommend this guy enough. Pick Killian!"
"great songs!! Owen created beautiful lyrics and melodies!"
"Awesome work! I had a new country track that was missing that final touch... an instrumental that sounded like dead space to me. Trent gave me three tracks in 24 hours and I am blown away. Great stuff, Would not hesit..."
"The warmth and balance are amazing, while still jumping out of the speakers!!! I'm convinced.... human mastering, with the right person at the controls, beats automated algorithm AI hands down . . . not even close. I ..."
"Wow, what a guy. I had a good song, he took it to another level"
"Jenny is a phenomenal talent. She really gets the music and has a ton of soul in her voice. Beautiful work!"