Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Empire Police
Hi, I’m Tom, a North West-based Recording/Mix Engineer, Producer, Arranger and Session Guitarist hailing from Lancashire, UK.
Clarity, Punch and Detail with Exceptional communication!
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Im a mix engineer with a degree in Audio Engineering. I have worked with many artists of all genres over the years and have become vastly experienced. I am also a highly talented guitarist and overall musician. My love for music means that i have a very eclectic taste and therefore know what needs to be done to get the best out of something.
Hello! Welcome to my page. I am a session guitarist, songwriter, session bassist, producer, and engineer. I have recorded many projects and won the John Lennon Songwriting Contest in 2009 for my category. I am also endorsed by Jet City Amplification, Seattle, WA, and perform in two bands currently.
The pitch? I can master and mix your tracks, fix broken songs that need better lyrics/melodies/hooks, Produce (as in make tracks that "breathe" with instruments that don't crash into each other because they're all in the same range, etc) ....and I'm still just as good as I ever was (lol) http://users.skynet.be/rockofages/Markradicedisco/
Professional session drummer, songwriter and artist with over 17 years of experience. Specialising in creating, performing and recording drum parts acoustically, or electronically using acoustic instruments and/or electronics.
Creative session singer with a unique tamber vocal quality. Persistent, detailed and passionate! Experience singing in a million dollar studio.
The power and depth you've been looking for.
Hi I'm a composer for film & TV, interactive media, and live performance. I've written for comedy, horror, action, drama with music performed on CNN, BBC Radio3, live at Carnegie Hall and other venues around the world. I love working with Directors on film projects as well; as creating sound environments for video games.
Highly qualified professional with extensive experience in acoustic design and production. Hands-on knowledge of digital recording, editing, and mixing equipment. Comprehensive knowledge of various music genres. Proficient in studio techniques. Organized, professional, excellent project managers.
Recent Successes
"Maria was fantastic to work with. Great quality performance, recordings delivered quickly and well within the budget. Even provided multiple takes and microphone positions - she really went above and beyond to deliver..."
"John is a mastermind at getting your song to REALLY POP. He took my track, helped me locate the emotional center of the song, strip it of all its excess, and bolster all of its strengths. I am so happy we worked toget..."
"Great experience, great sound. I told him what I wanted and got it back to me in 24hrs. "
"Ethan has a this great vision of transforming any piece of music the finish’s work is always a pleasure to listen to been working on ideas and having Ethan do the arrangement It’s been very cool stuff."
"a pro all the way, gets the job done in a timely manner. He will always have my endorsement . Willie Lowe"
"Camilo is a fucking BEAST. It's not just mastering, it's top shelf customer service, trying to meet whatever deadlines you have, and just a very pleasant person to have to deal with. + he has the best ear, taste and t..."