Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Dwellers
I will mix your alternative and indie rock songs using a high quality mix of classic analog and modern digital equipment and techniques, for an affordable price.
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Recording engineer and music producer, live & studio musician, expert in mix & mastering.
Hi and thanks for taking the time to read my blurb. I have been a songwriter for over 20 years and have been an avid Pro Tools user for over 10 of those years. My first experiences of Pro Tools were when friends would let me practice on their already recorded raw tracks and sometimes they would come out sounding a lot better. I love mixing.
I translate to you what the music speaks to me.
Female Vocalist, songwriter and voice-over artist
Hi, I'm Felix, session and touring guitarist/cellist and songwriter/producer, based in Hamburg, Germany.
Zane Agnew is an indie rock singer-songwriter, producer, and guitarist from New York. He is known as the lead guitar player of the band Hasty Page and American Idol top 10 contestant Julia Gargano. His blues influence brings a creative twist to the pop/rock bands he plays with. Zane has a B.S. in Music Industry + Pro Tools Operator certification.
I am a full time music producer, singer and voice over artist with more than 6 years of experience in creating excellent audio content.
If you're looking to create something that stands out from the mainstream but still has the potential to hit Top 40 viral charts, you're in the right place! (Music comes soon, new here)
Recent Successes
"Jimmy was just incredible. He took a song structure and his rearrangement of verses and chorus and his harmonies gave breath and fun to the song. HIGHLY RECOMMEND"
"Carlos is an excellent mix engineer. He is meticulous and strives to give his clients exactly what they request. He did a terrific job remixing my tune. But, his audio-technician side is only part of his talent. Since..."
"I messaged Ezel last night with a request to write a chord progression for an existing vocal track, for a remix. I just wanted something completely different from what I would normally come up with. And now today, I ..."
"Aditya never fails! So happy with all his hard work and great attitude. You won't be disappointed. "
"From the first interactions Kramer was enthusiastic about the job and making sure he could do his best work. A quick phone call to go over how to provide the music and we were off. Fast turn around and easy to work ..."
"Great Vocalist, very professional and fun to work with. "
"Veronica recorded yet another stunning vocal to my ballad. She made the song her own..Just incredible again..."