Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Dead Beast Initiative
I care about your music! YOUR music is MY priority! Artists and both indie and major labels including Sony Music Latin, Bad Sin, VO Records, Circus Entertainment, etc. have trusted Pat with their projects and so should you!!! So, let's chat!
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I am a producer/engineer/mixer based in LA. I have a mix room in my house where I mix most projects. Always looking for new and exciting artists. I have worked in every genre of music from Jazz to Grind core. Great music is not genre specific.
I will help you to make your production shine!
You need electric guitars, and I need songs to put them in. This is a match made in heaven. My two solo albums on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/nicky-p-the-crutches/1438301094
I graduated from The Conservatory Of Recording Arts & Sciences (CRAS) in 2017 and came out to LA and worked my way up from an intern to runner and eventually an assistant engineer and started freelancing from there in both the post production world and of course the music side of things as well.
My name is Dorette and I am an active electric cello soloist, a member of the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra and regularly perform in chamber music concerts and shows. I am passionate about my music and excited to bring your ideas to life!
Achieve excellent music in your songs
Would love to write you a song or play some guitar for your track. I can try and sing too if you like the sound of my voice. Also - I'm interested in mixing and mastering.
I write, arrange, produce, edit and mix indie, electronic, pop or orchestral music. depending on the request, I fit into a project as the missing piece of the puzzle to achieve the best possible result for my clients need. I really like to complete and polish a raw diamond from diff. stages in my analog and digi studio surrounding.
Recent Successes
"Taylor did a great job with the backing vocals on my country track; really enhanced the song. Very professional and easy to work with- I would definitely recommend her! "
"Cooper is one of those engineers, who can evolve your tracks to the next level. He’s always kind and nice to work with. He does provide high quality sound, which is more than competitive to all music you will listen t..."
"Would work with “Q” any day. Quick and professional and on top of that a good guy with a talented voice "
"Denis was a huge part of a big project I had . Delivered timely always brought quality , easy to work with and most definitely we need to make more crazy records in the near future .. "
"I am so overjoyed with the production by Zefan for my song. This producer is so professional, above all, he's always very patient with me. This was my 3rd song produced by him and I can't wait to start on my 4th proje..."
"In a series of jobs Etienne did the production of one song. He worked fast and professionally, as always. I was positively surprised on the creativity that shows up in the result, and I am fully satisfied :). Working ..."
"Easy to work with, professional, and delivered a solid energetic mix + master."
"The illest mastering engineer you could probably ever work with. 2 thumbs up. "
"Amit has once again poured his heart and soul into my project, owning his performance and trying to make every phrase unique and memorable. He his a joy to work with."