Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with the bootsman
Electric bass and guitar player ,15 years experience in all genres . I promise you won't be dissapointed. I can go between simple and steady bass lines , to artistic and out of the box with a unique feel. I love pedals and effects , if you want to add more special colour to your tracks.
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Hello, I am Melodik Rain, singer/songwriter/hook writer/vocal&background arranger that can and will turn any song into a mental motion picture.
I eat, sleep, and breathe music; making a song sound the best that it can is my specialty.
Having recorded, toured, and performed with artists Freddie Jackson, Ori Rose, Pablo Batista, Skrillex, OddKidOut, Bok Nero, JUTAUN and more, I'm looking to add groove to your track no matter the genre. I have twenty years of experience in multiple genres as a bassist and music producer working with major and independent artists.
im an experienced, professional and versatile session guitar player, producer and mix engineer I will send you quality and versatility sound and playing I would love to hear from you and your music. Click the contact button above to get in touch
Scott Giffin, also known as 'relatable', is a multi-talented producer with millions of streams on songs that he has produced, mixed, mastered and written. With clean and cutting edge production, Scott Giffin specializes in bringing each artist's vision to life with a high quality sound that stands out.
TD is a producer/musician who strives to bring your musical vision to life.
Certified Audio Engineer
We are musicians, songwriters and producers. Our career span 4 decades. We know music and the music industry inside and out and produce various types of music ranging from R&B to Hip Hop. We'd love to put our platinum touch on your next project so do reach out.
Recent Successes
"Wes is truly one of the greatest artists that exists, period! I have done dozens of songs with him and he makes every one of them better because he is involved. I am truly honored whenever he has time to work on my ..."
"Brian has been awesome to work with.His mix was great. He was very communicative and open to both my feedback on his mixes and working with some of the already mixed tracks I wanted to keep from my rough mix. "
"Did amazing work with multiple instruments. Loved working with him, will look forward to many more "
"Denny is the MAN. He's efficient, thorough and thinks out of the box. We did two tracks together and he knocked both out of the park. Thanks Denny!"
"Tyree did an amazing mix and made sure that his costumers are satisfied I highly recommend this man right here. "
"Cute will work harder than you could imagine on making you track to professional standards. Bringing it easily to the top of professional standards! Love working together! Will continue for a long time!!!!"
"Charles once again knocked it out of the park. He delivered beautiful BGV arrangements that are sung as wonderfully as they are arranged. I love working with Charles because he not only has a fantastic voice and music..."
"Very happy with the work Killashay did. My project was a bit tricky since he had to create a beat around a pre-existing verse and I am happy that we have been able to pull it off. Very easy to work with, collaborative..."
"Peter really brought the song alive! Highly recommend!"