Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Technicore
I am offering Soulful rock/pop male vocals for your SYNTH- RETRO-WAVE track.
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Recordings are a fine art to me, and it's my life's work to do it differently. It's quite simple really...I look at records as if I'm making a film. Lighting choices, camera pan, depth of field... it's all relevant. I like to make new sounds from an old form. The bridge between the technicolor of high fidelity is my goal
We are a commercial project studio located off Main Street in Tucker, GA. Our environment, microphone inventory and engineer skills set us apart.
Im a creative guitar player, If you are looking only for an exelent performance im not your guy, I like to add to the project where I can also contribute te the project giving not only an excellent performance and recording but also my style and sound, So if you are looking for some one to give your music an extra creative push im your guy!
From background vocals to toplining, to getting the perfect words to a song you're writing - I am your person! As a singer/songwriter in Nashville, I've worked with artists such as A Thousand Horses, Apollo LTD, and Rayvon Owen (American Idol top 5). I want to make YOU have the best sounding music out there!
Hi, I’m an Australian based music producer specializing in HipHop and Electronic production with over 10 years experience. I’m also a mixing and mastering engineer. I deliver forward thinking, creative production to up and coming artists. I work closely with my clients to meet their every need and realize their vision for their project.
I'm a professional session singer in Paris area. I'm a recording artist/ vocalist with over 10 years of experience vocal, songwriting, arranging and coaching with a professional home recording setup. As a very versatile singer, I believe I can make your song sound the way you have been picturing it.
My voice and songwriting style are adaptive. Tell me what you need and I can do it!
Soprano/Metal vocalist
Recent Successes
"When I contact Chris to write and make the melody of my title, I did not believe too much because it is a music that she obviously did not know. She pleasantly surprised me. She has adaptability and ease in creativity..."
"Deep understanding of nowadways mastering requirements (digital platforms). Explained everything in detail, has its own sound that is very impressive!"
"Scott is a magician! He can turn a regular song in a masterpiece! You can't go wrong with Scott, a really talented and nice guy! Thank you very much Scott!"
"Ruben was inspiring to work with, and a super professional in every way. He answered questions quickly and played for the song, even though he has chops to spare. He played with emotion and complemented my guitar. Hig..."
"Once again A+++ Love the master. "
"Max and his team did an absolutely amazing job for us. Caught the vibe instantly, quick and easy proces all the way through. Just awesome."
"Frank was professional, finished his horns in a timely manner, and actually gave me some free extra ear candy too! It made the song. Would recommend! "
"Trabajar con Alessia fue satisfactorio, en verdad la recomiendo. Tienes melodías atractivas y una manera de songwriting especial. I will work with her again!! "
"CeeJ is a top echelon singer. I have worked with her on background vocals several times now. I would describe her background vocals as elegant and always in tune. Her vocal control is incredible. She goes above an..."
"Nisha was an absolute pleasure to work with and really made something beautiful that resonates with the both of us. She was also incredibly professional and I highly hiring her for your next song!"