Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Team X
We'll help you on every step towards finishing your track: production, lyrics, arrangement, recording, mixing, and mastering. Located in Warsaw, Poland.
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Professional Keyboardist under Interscope, and Warner Music Group for 6 years. WIDE array of genres and styles. Let's Jam!
My name is Zefan. A Music Producer. I started producing music since 2006, have done a lot of projects in producing music for artists, media, and live orchestra performance. If you are looking beautiful orchestra ballad, magical Disney, K-pop, and C-Pop or Black Gospel style production you should check out my 2019 Demo reel.
Composer, music producer and singer specialised in vocal arrangements.
Award winning, Producer / Mixing and Mastering Engineer
Godrej New Plots Project in Faridabad
I have always been the person who adds the 'edge' to musical projects. I always strive to create or showcase a unique personality in each piece of music with a view to where it will sit in the current marketplace, helping artists be ahead of the curve, not behind it.
Senior record producer, mixing- and mastering engineer with over 13 years of professional experience. More than 200 compositions written, mixed, and sold. More than 100 recordings mastered.
+600k streams as a composer and vocalist. Billboard Argentina featured artist. Hi, Im Camila! I'm a bilingual session singer- songwriter with more than 10 years of experience. I was the main artist and cover of multiple Spotify editorial playlists with my original music.I have worked with Latin Grammy award nominee Luciano Pereyra.
Recent Successes
"Pato has it all, great communications and really captures the song with his Bass playing and musicality. "
"Another great song completed to perfection. crisp , clear, clean vocal and instrumental tracks. spot on! ( our 3RD) project together. on Budget, on time and KILLER WORK. THANK YOU MARCELLO"
"Just the perfect backing vocals. She gave new life to our song. I absolutely recommend Chloe, she is one of the best singers in SoundBetter.com. A very fast response also."
"Paul recently did a Guitar backing track for me which I was very happy with...He embellished the original with a nice new melody riff....He is very experienced and a good sense of Music"
"Something just amazing! Sniper: one shot - right in the heart! He made my song real wonder with his voice. No doubt about next song to make with Matt!"
"I had a track which had potential but I'd made some fundamental errors during production which resulted in a very harsh and unconvincing mix. Timverb Studio worked really fast, communicated with me throughout the proc..."
"Fast response time, quick turnarounds, excellent cello playing and interpretation of my MIDI cello demo (I did not provide sheete music) - all in all A+"
"Amazing. Very professional."