Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tanisako
Message for custom Services. Lead audio engineer for Orenda Label and LLC. Below I have tagged three Orenda signed artists that I have released songs with. These songs have generated over 6 million+ organic streams. Many of our artists have over 200 thousand monthly listeners and a million plus followers on Instagram
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kozmic sound in a full analogue recording studio in berlin
7 years of mixing, mastering, producing, piano, bass, and editing experience. Allow me to capture EXACTLY how you want your audience to feel listening to the track. Need a louder mix overall? I can bring out the punch of your drums. Need a cleaner vocal track? I can highlight vocals with tricks I've learned over 7 years. Superb tracks only.
I am a young up and coming audio engineer born and raised in Hawaii (the island Oahu).
20 years of experience in composing music for documentaries, tv broadcasts, advertising, film, shorts.
I make lo-fi and hip hop beats.
Music has been my life as long as I can remember. I love the process of creating and collaborating!
I am a multi-instrumentalist, composer, songwriter, producer and engineer in Nashville, Tennessee. I have over 20 years professional experience recording, mixing and mastering work for many high profile songwriters, artists, musicians as well as small independents. https://credits.muso.ai/profile/bbf7d212-770e-43f2-910c-75373be35829
I have been making music for 13 years, and with loads of studio time, ghost production clients, my own personal catalog of music, and many more experience areas we can take your track to the next level.
Recent Successes
"Great job, really fast turnaround."
"I was hoping that Rudiger would give the song 100% but he ended up giving it 120%!! The song is now smokin' good with his stellar performance. "
"Once again, João is amazing. We’re working on a cover tune for my new album and he’s creating some incredible tracks. He was kind enough to do 3 different versions! I don’t know which one to pick from! I asked him to ..."
"It's the second time that I asked Nikos to play violin in viola in one song of mine and it's also the second time that I couldn't believe in my ears. I didn't even know what melody should the violins play and Nikos cr..."
"had 3 fresh tracks that I needed mastering, all 3 tracks sounding so clean will be using tom for all my future work 100% recommend"
"Ever Great - Ever TOP - Highly Recommended"
"Jackson did a great job mastering my EP, the tracks lively and have more punch now. The job was done swiftly and within the time range, and communication was clear and responsive. I’m glad I found Jackson, would do i..."