Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tamino
I always strive to deliver in service of the music and the art. We can work together to level up your project with a unique production and the right mix, or complete your film with original composition that fits into the narrative arc. Previous work includes Tamino (Eng), Epsilon (Eng / Mix), Phobe (Prod / Eng / Mix), Over Her Shoulder (Comp / Mix)
I'm a singer-songwriter, fingerstyle guitarist in advanced level and producer. I like to stage and exhibit the music i composed on myself in the nature. I like to make and publish video and audio recordings with professional equipment in my favorite parts of nature.
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Joey Auch is an award winning songwriter, multi instrumentalist, producer and gifted vocalist with vast repertoire of exceptional music to his credit.
I'm mixing engineer from Tomsk. Looking for interesting projects.
Need a track for clubs, festivals and radio? We are the right person for this job! Our Productions supported by David Guetta, Martin Garrix, Hardwell, Afrojack, Steve Aoki, Tiesto and played on festivals like Ultra Music Festival, Tomorrowland and many more I can help you to create your new song or track exactly the way you want, using your ideas !
Experienced studio vocalist with versatile vocal abilities. Over 2+ million streams and signed releases through Spinnin Records & Kobalt etc. Featured vocalist on #1 Charting Dubstep album “Bring the Rain” via Beatport. I will deliver high- quality, clear crisp vocals that will make your song radio ready!
I love recording and giving birth to personal projects, songs, jingles and voiceovers with my voice. I take communication seriously, doing my work minutely with enthusiasm and putting all my creativity and personal touch on it. I can do the lead or backing vocals for your next song.
AFM 299(NJ) 802(NYC) Full CUNY Master of Music Scholarship. Studied with Jan Gorbaty, Tony Aless, Elmer Bernstein. Worked at CBS, Atlantic, Arista, Gamble & Huff. Numerous dates live and session.
Matheus Lanes is 26 years old, is a performer active in several artistic segments. He started his musical trajectory in Betim in 2006, singing in small presentations
I always strive to deliver in service of the music and the art. We can work together to level up your project with a unique production and the right mix, or complete your film with original composition that fits into the narrative arc. Previous work includes Tamino (Eng), Epsilon (Eng / Mix), Phobe (Prod / Eng / Mix), Over Her Shoulder (Comp / Mix)
Recent Successes
"We asked Kyrie to record and write a rap part, Cardi B style. Was great. Very good sound and presence. Good communication and easy to work."
"Johannes is the best. This is my 4th job with him. He is knowledgeable, patient and always ready and willing to go the extra mile to satisfy his client "
"We have done like 10 projects so far! The result of all of them are... AWESOME!! The project we just finished... it is a gem. It was a pleasure to work with you again!!"
"Wow, really incredible vocals from Hollie!! She understands the task and works extremely hard to deliver the very best vocals, within a super quick time-frame, always staying in tight contact throughout the project du..."
"I don't usually write reviews but I have to do it for Ken. Ken is a true professional, I mean go check his credits, and probably the nicest guy I've ever met. The communication was easy and smooth.The mixes sound ama..."
"My 4th song with Kevin, and his production is certainly objectively flawless. He never missed the balance between the instruments."
"This was my first project with Elise and it was excellent. Great voice that she recorded perfectly and provided tracks that were mix ready. Quick turn-around, and good communication. A total pro. Highly recommended!"
"Superb Bass player here! always delivers exactly what I ask for with precision and quality at a high level! He offers multiple revisions but the first delivery has always been all that's needed! Highly recommen..."