Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with T4m1blu3
Emo, EDM, anime style, pop, inde, pop punk you name the genre bet I can topline it.
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Over 100 Songs recorded. Multiple top 10 hits with Backstreet Boys, Nick Lachey, David Archuletta & Martina McBride. Syncs - Samsung, Hyundai, Mini Cooper, Fortnite, Starz, Super Bowl, American Idol, Dancing With The Stars, So You Think You Can Dance, Shameless, Quanitco, TLC, ESPN, Amazon and many more.
We produce Hit Productions and Mixes
I have a futurist sound that instantly ignites creativity and great vibrations. I’ve worked with your favorite artists and know the Sonics of what great legendary music is.
EssayBeam (reviews) is a team of professional writers that help students deal with all kinds of academic assignments.
Before moving to LA, I was an adjunct professor at Western Michigan University teaching music production, mixing & mastering. Although I focus on pop/EDM production, I have mixed and mastered projects for clients ranging from avant-garde classical music to punk rock. My music has released on M4SONIC's record label, Global League.
EDM Mixing Engineer, 10 years of music production experience.
Nos especializamos en composición de canciones de diferentes géneros, aunque primordialmente música urbana.
Hey there! I´m Agustin a music producer from Argentina with almost 8 years of experience.
Recent Successes
" Amazing Singer-Topliner Thomas is truly talented and deliver high quality vocal recording One of the first class topliner on soundbetter!"
"I've worked with Lady Luck studios for over a year now. We started with production and now mostly co write together. I feel absolutely spoiled working with Kate. She has the most clever lyrics and always seems to smoo..."
"Thomas is a very talented engineer who is really easy to work with. Most of the time he responded faster than I can react to:) Thanks for participating in my project man!"
"Emma was extremely fast with helping me. A pleasure to work with and really good at listening to what you need and making it happen. And insanely talented as well. I look forward to working with her again in the future! "
"Once again, I have nothing but praise for this man!! Nothing but professional and very communicative. I could not be happier with the result!"
"Awesome mix and master, will be back for sure :)"
"Here’s what I like most about working with Trey; EVERYTHING I hand to him comes back to me with this improved total package energy. He’s a producer that I feel confident saying, treats every project with all his heart..."
"Aaron is very professional and communicative. I am super happy with the result and will be going to him again in the future!"
"Such a great producer who is also exhibits great character as a person. He was a foundational part in helping this song come to life. Looking forward to working together more!"