Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with T-Shawn
I'm a versatile producer/songwriter offering music production (Hip-hop, Neo Soul, Lo-fi, Caribbean), mixing & mastering, and songwriting services. I also write lyrics (English & Spanish) and play electric guitar & bass. Let's create something fresh and impactful together each out and let's collaborate!
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Been playing guitar since 1984 at the age of 8. I enjoyed a classical training until I was 18. After that I played in bands trying to figure out what I wanted to do... And still looking. It's just too much to see what I can do with a song even if it's not in a style I played before. The goal is to see what I can give to a song using my experience.
- catchy melodies which your listeners cannot resist! - earwig for guarantee! - no raw audio files!
Producer with over 10 years of experience. Signed to Smash The House. Credits include also Universal Music, Revealed, Spinning - Controversia, 2Dutch, Global Records and more.
Enterasource is your source for new, used & refurbished enterprise hardware.
I'm not like everybody else.
Sound Engineer, Mixing, Mastering, Production
Composer / beatmaker with a unique experimental aesthetic specializing in video games (RPG, Action, Adventure, Puzzle, Story-rich) and film.
Meet Enid Lopez, a dynamic recording and performing artist known for her warm, soulful voice, ideal for blues and jazz. Enid also provides session singing and professional vocal tuning. Her impressive portfolio includes appearances in commercials like KPRC 2 News and Muzquiz Income Tax, as well as a standout performance at IMTA 2015.
Recent Successes
"Is a great songwriter and nice with the craft!"
"This is my third track with Scarlett. Every time she's done very high-quality work! Perfectly executed. She's awesome to work with, and I look forward to working with her some more. "
"Was very good and easy worked with her. Also very fast the delivery."
"I really enjoyed working with Tiz, he has an amazing voice and I was really happy with the results! I highly recommend Tiz! "
"Second time working with Deaf, and another great experience. He took my rough demo and quickly turned it into a full-scale professional production. I'll definitely be working with him again in the near future."
"Dan was very easy to communicate with and made sure my vision became a reality. He really knocked my mix out of the park! Such a nice and talented guy!"
"It is always great working with Bram! Can't wait to use him again! "
"Tim absolutely nailed every aspect of the project. Very professional. Took the proper time needed to create something amazing. From start to finish, 10/10. Tim is a monster... Not only with the vocals, but also guitar!"
"Nate is professional. He caught exactly what I wanted and played it very quickly and perfectly. Definitely want to work with him again next time"
"Highly recommend. Great vocals and very easy to work with.. Thank you!! "
"Nate is just amazing! Very experienced and talented drummer, professional and fast! He understands your musical intentions perfectly. Outstanding performance! High quality tracks provided! I strongly recommend! Five ..."