Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with T-classic
I'm always thrilled to Work with artists who love the Afrobeat Sound but crave something beyond the Usual. I specialize in Fusing other genres Like Pop, House, Hip hop And Rnb. If you are looking for a Music Producer to hlep you Craft Something Unique and Outstanding, Am your Guy
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Jack of all trades and master of one: Lyricism.
The biggest problem I see artists face is the challenge of translating the song they wrote on piano or guitar into a full production. So many artists have a specific vision for their music and I pride myself in being able to take that vision and turn it into a finished song the artist is proud of.
Contemporary classical music specialist, Electronic music hobbyist. Founder/ Director of the string quartet, Bivác Ensemble. Composed over 18hrs of chamber/orchestral music, performed by musicians from all around the globe. Produced over 60hrs of music, including some of my own compositions. Received positive music reviews.
Established electronic musician, I specialise in working with analog and modular synths and drum machines. I work on film soundtracks, ambient and dance music. If you need a producer to finish your track with the best sounding synths and drum machines available I'm your man. I also help with arrangements, mix and sound design.
Buy nice tracks !
Highly experienced multi genre mix engineer for hire. My experience playing in bands and mixing their music, whilst also creating electronic dance and ambient genres gives me the varied experience to provide you the exact sound you're looking for.
Multi-instrumentalist producer, composer, and mixer who specializes in many genres!!!
Recent Successes
"I have worked on two songs with Skyler and she delivered perfectly both times. She has also worked quickly and professionally. I wouldn't hesitate to work with her again."
"Chris is easy to work with. Great vocalist. Fast turn around time. Handled my multiple styles with ease (country, 70s rock, traditional song). Talented and great attitude. Highly recommended."
"Ashley is fantastic songwriter. She is super open and responsive to feedback, and can adjust her work and musical style to match your needs perfectly. She wrote a full song (music and lyrics) from scratch. 3rd time wo..."
"Nico is amazing! Great guy and great to work with. Very knowledgeable and easy to communicate with. Love his end product, and he'll make sure you're happy with it in the end. Highly recommend "
"Absolutely superb playing from Bruce and he was reliable, communicative and professional throughout. I didn't need to make any adjustments/revisions and the tracked just dropped straight into my project! Bruce serves ..."
"Honey-B-Sweet delivered what I wanted so fast with so much quality that I was extremely surprise. Extremely surprised wouldn't be enough to describe it, its more something in the like of beeing flabbergasted. Its ref..."
"Naman can play any style I keep coming back he is creative and approaches drums with inner feel."