Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sydrell
With extensive experience as a producer, mixing & mastering engineer, I have achieved over 5 million Spotify streams & 1.8 million YouTube views in 2023. Collaborating with multi-platinum selling artists & producers in Brazil has refined my expertise, resulting in a high-skilled, efficient approach to production, mixing & mastering.
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Owner of The Austin Recording Service Producer, Mix and Mastering engineer, FOH engineer specializing in Indie Rock/Psychedelic/Shoegaze/Southern Rock/Alt Country with a strong connection to the Blues and New Orleans Music. Best known for work with The Black Angels,Widespread Panic, Reverberation Appreciation Society,Fuzz Club Records.
I specialize in creating catchy and unique melodic instrumentation, but can give you a classic sound when needed. I am also a seasoned song writer and arranger. Whether you have a fully written track that needs a hook or just the beginnings of an idea, I'm confident that we can achieve the sound you're looking for. Let's make music!
I am a cuban trumpet player, beat maker and music producer based in Bucharest with over 10 years of professional performing experience. I have recorded on numerous albums and performed/toured with a variety of professional ensembles around Europe. I am well versed in a variety of styles including: salsa, jazz, rock, pop, R&B, etc. Ableton user.
I will do a competitive Mix and Mastering of your songs.
Looking for music to create and projects to accept! :) I am not bound by genres or limits of creativity but mainly focus on House/Lounge music combined with live instruments. Besides that I'd love to work on game-audio or jingles. My produced music is often described as fitting for video. Feel free to reach out to me, always up for a talk!
Songwritter, Singer and producer from Medellín, I also have my project called Santha that defines my sound a bit, I have also worked with many edm producers as a singer for their projects and in English too, let's work!
“Without calling undue attention to himself, Vayenas shapes the music” - Modern Drummer magazine. Professional musician 30+ years live & recording experience. Whether I'm building on a demo idea provided, or starting from scratch, with good communication, I strive to provide a solid, tasteful and musical foundation to every project.
Hire me as a professional guitarist with 20+ years experience for your project. I love challenging tasks and unusual styles. I've been playing pop, blues, rock, rnb, jazz and classic guitar for years. With lots of happy clients I managed to work with several big musicians and a major label Universal Music. I will listen and understand your needs
Recent Successes
"Working with Marc has been an absolute pleasure. His attention to detail and willingness to make requested adjustments timeously and to brief are only surpassed by his overall friendliness and his obviously sharp ears..."
"Just finished the job with Chris and he is an outstanding singer! Everything was perfect within 2 takes and his voice is awesome! Very easy and smooth communication. Check out his song "Tackle box"!!! Nothing more t..."
"Anthony was a great vocal producer to work with! The process was incredibly smooth and he brought some amazing ideas of his own to the table. Overall just a really dope guy and I look forward to getting back to work w..."
"Natalie was amazing to work with from the start. A true professional with wonderful communication. The vocals she produced were stunning and perfect for this song, a melancholic track with heavy bass. She was very ..."
"Taylor is an awesome engineer, a great musician and a really comfortable guy to work with. We made something great together and I cant wait to work with him again. Thanks man! "
"Pedro was outstanding! Fantastic communication and delivery. He accomplished exactly what I was dreaming of. Will definitely ask him again! 100% Satisfied :)"
"Samuel was very professional. Worked with me till we got song to where I wanted it. "
"Tim always does an excellent job mastering my songs, but the more we work together, the more familiar he's become with my sound & has really dialed in something that puts a big ol' smile on my face! He's easily one of..."
"Great singer. Gives you exactly what you want on lead and bgs. Easy to work with."
"Very good mastering from Daniel 🤟"