Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Swim to Drown
Hi! This is Lucas Toledo, composer and music producer. I've been helping a lot of artists for years to improve their songs, at mixing, composition, mastering, you name it. So, if you're looking for a composer for your soundtracks or commercials, or an excellent temporary member for your band, stop looking, you already got me ;) www.lucastoledo.me
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The sound that works - I have!
Songwriter/Mix Engineer/ Producer available for remote work
Mordechai Elefant is a singer/songwriter based in New York. Mordechai’s music has been praised by some of the greatest music minds of our generation such as Randy Jackson, Kara DioGuardi, and Jon Batiste.
Liam Gunning is a Recording and Mix Engineer from and based in South London. He specialises in Recording and Mixing bands and solo artists, adapting to suit the styles and needs of each artist
Hey! I'm Kristine and I'm an American vocalist and songwriter based in Berlin, Germany. My voice and music has been featured on radio stations, television networks and dance floors all over the world! I'm excited to hear what you got cooking and hope we can make some music together :) Visit my website for a COMPLETE list of releases and credits.
A multigenre vocalist
Hey! I'm Pablo Romero, a skilled bassist and composer with 14 years of experience. As a dedicated bass player and versatile composer, I bring a wealth of musical expertise to your project. Let's collaborate to enhance your sound with dynamic basslines and captivating compositions. Ready to level up your music? Connect with me!
Recent Successes
"Jack mixed my whole project, it was a very complex project, some songs were fully orchestrated and he rose every challenge that gave him."
"Very talented and easy to work with! All I had were the lyrics, but he made a whole instrumental that fit for the vibe I was going for. Communication was great, he updated me on how everything was going and made sure ..."
"I've worked with Paul a handful of times now, and every time his vocal edits are reliably clean, and done in really good time. So happy I was able to connect with Paul!!"
"Es una cantante super profesional, con una voz buenísima, comunicación rápida y cómoda, la recomiendo mucho! Top notch singer, I'm super happy, go and work with her before I overload her with all of my jobs, haha. ..."
" it's always a great pleasure to work with raena she is very attentive, very professional and gives a lot of emotion in her interpretation "
"Leo is a very talented musician. He is easy to work with and very professional, extremely organized, and passionate about his craft. He is committed to giving you exactly what you need in order to produce a great song..."
"Awesome job by Kate, super easy to work with, the great cover vocal I was looking for, thanks again!"
"Jax is incredibly talented. It was a joy to work and collaborate with him. Will hopefully be working with him again in the future."
"Besides being an amazing world class drummer, just having the honor of having Matt play on my tracks has made me a better musician. He knows how to emphesize the arrangement of a song in ways I hadn't expected that b..."