Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Swagatam
Hip-hop, Rapper, Lyricist & Music Producer
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Inspired by early R&B legends of the '80s and '90s, J. Avery grew up knowing his place in life involved music. He has successfully bridged the gap between classic R&B/Soul and today's unorthodox approach to the timeless music genre. Singing, songwriting, and beat composition only name a few of this rising star's capabilities.
Im another bass player. But, as all musicians, i have my own identity and sound, so, im not just ANOTHER one. I prefer the groove to speed, feeling to scales and timing to soloing
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• Mixing • Mastering (referral) • Vocal Editing (Comping, Alignment, Noise Reduction) • Vocal Tuning • Song Arrangements & Additional Production
Sony Music | Epic Records | PIAS | Abbey Road Studios | London Based Alt/Rap/R&B/Dance
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What’s up, I’m Rozco, a seasoned music producer and audio engineer hailing from the Bay Area. With a solid foundation in Recording Arts, an AA degree, and certification in Live Sound, I’ve honed my craft through both education and hands-on experience. My journey has led me to work with industry giants like XXL Magazine, 808 Mafia, and C$D.
Recent Successes
"Dan really helped me bring my song to life by providing a new set of ears and ideas I needed and producing the desired track all from my simple acoustic demo! He was able to replicate all the ideas I had in mind and i..."
"Mike is a gem. 3rd time working with him and was satisfied all 3 times, but this time I was especially blown away! Definitely recommend."
"Everytime 5 Star!!!!"
"Another awesome keys part delivered by Mike. He's my go to guy for whenever I need keys. Catches on really quickly to the sound I'm after and delivers the goods."
"Working with Aluro is addictive! His writing. melodies, and overall feel for music is masterful. It's the rare artist's creativity that draws you in and holds you, and his songs are truly magical that way. Unbelievabl..."
"Thank you so much Killian for being able to understand me so easily and create something so beautiful and thank you for making me feel confident and believe in myself more. It has been really great working with you an..."
"Darren is beyond good with smooth groove voice. He took a difficult Eagles like background arrangement and elevated it to out of sight proportions. You honestly won’t get better then Darren, trust me. Did I mention ..."