Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with susurrus
I don’t believe in technical ‘correctness’ for the sake of it. Rather, I believe any choice in the mixing/mastering process should be made on only one condition: that it helps you, the artist, get your vision across. Let's have a (free) exploratory call: https://calendly.com/lavaarten/30min
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Talented musician/arranger/composer/producer available for all types of project. Songwriters/Theatre producers/TV & Radio Jingles/Vocal & Instrumental recording
Toningenieur [B.Eng. Audiovisual Media] for Live Recording & Postproduction, Live Sound (FOH / Monitor / System), Sounddesign (Live & Studio)
I am currently a student at Pinnacle College in Sacramento California. I specialize in mixing and post audio. I am also a musician who's played bass guitar for 15 years. I have done score work as well as post audio work for short films around the Sacramento area.
Need to mix? Need to master? Need the best price on the market? You're in the right place. As the name says, we like to describe us as a "whole car", constantly moving and evolving. Our team is made up by engineers able to work on any musical product, and our philosophy is simple: support emerging, meet the major. Welcome to Wholecar Studio.
I am looking to collaborate with producers to write and record top lines to pre-written tracks. All profit made will be split 50/50.
Do you want your compositions to be mixed in an innovative and creative way? Do you want your song to sound professional? My name is Constantin and I studied Sound & Music Production in Germany. I am specialized in electronic music but I am interested in hearing all of your projects! My offers are: Mixing, Arrangement & Mastering.
Kano, Pink Project, Jimmy Ross. Arranger, composer, conductor, producer, engineer, sound designer, with over 40 years of experience in both electronic, instrumental or orchestral music.
Stephan Bergmann is an innovative and experienced composer and creator of unique songs and soundscapes, privileged to capture the ears, soul and emotions of his listeners, involving them into an immersive three-dimensional universe full of amazing instruments, healing voices and epic sounds, at any time and at any place.
Recent Successes
"Here's the thing, I'm a bit disappointed because Sound Better only has 5 stars and honestly, I think Chris deserves 10 massive gold stars. Seriously! One of the best producers I've worked with. Knows how to get you..."
"Ariel was very professional, communicated exceptionally well, understood my situation and worked so fast, and delivered a perfect product! She's a very talented vocalist and I would love to work with her again!"
"Excellent communication and speed for the mastering of my track. Very professional service! And the sound... Absolutely brilliant! Big up, Jimmie Dub! Thank you!"
"Rob is great pro. With him you get what you want."
"Chris is to me the producer who helped me find my sound and no review could ever express how much that means to me. 🙌🏾🙏🏾"
"Easy decision to work with Fabian. 5x customer and no chance I go anywhere else. I have done mastering and stem mastering and happy with the decision on both."
"Everything is so perfect! Thank you so much for everything and I cannot wait to work with you again in the future!!! You are literally the best pianist and Producer I have ever worked with!! You will definitely get so..."
"I'm very happy with Joseph's work. He is professional and great at taking feedback. I've worked with him twice and he's been able to deliver what I've been looking for each time, I plan to continue to use him in the f..."
"En esta oportunidad mastericé 2 canciones con Andrés y previamente había masterizado otras más, estoy muy conforme con el resultado. Destaco el feedback que nos dió sobre la mezcla, se nota que hace una primera escuch..."