Surround 5.1 Mixing in Madrid
PERFECT AUDIO SOLUTIONS and ONLINE SERVICES for FILMS, DOCUMENTARIES and SHORTFILMS. I OWN Best-of-its-kind recording and audio Post Production studio for Dialogue editing, ADR/Dubbing, Foley, Sound Design, Audio Restoration and Surround 5.1 & 7.1 Mixdown for motion pictures of ANY KIND and BUDGET.
Over 100 Million combined streams for my Mixes and Masters! Specializing in Reggaeton, Trap, and Pop Mixing, I am a Professional Editing, Mixing, and Mastering Engineer based out of Madrid, Spain. My clients include, Sony Music Spain, Universal Music Mexico, Universal Music Spain, and Warner Music!
Online services for Movies, Shortfilms, Documentaries and Games.
I'm an electronic music producer and sound designer for motion pictures based in Madrid. I can deliver Dolby Atmos, 5.1 and stereo mixes.
5+ years of experience mixing and mastering tracks. From Urbano/trap/reggaeton to rock ,indie, pop, R&B, soul.
Sensación de concierto real: mezclas cristalinas
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Exceptional Dialog and Music Editor hired gun.
Hey all, I go buy the artist name of 'Remulak' and specialise in the production of instrumental hip hop.
I've been working on tracks in Nashville for 5+ years. As an artist and producer, I understand the importance of how perfect the track AND vocals have to sound. Let's get your records on New Music Friday!
Hey y'all, Formant here. Producer, composer, and songwriter working in a few genres, mostly pop/R&B, hip-hop, and folk/rock/country. Nearing two million streams combined, scored a handful of films, featured on several major TV networks. Let's chat about your project!
We don´t produce music, we produce textures. Each project is different, each artist needs a different approach, a different feeling, a different and personal sound to tell his story. We produce simply that, personal warm sound for each and every artist.
I will convert your music from a raw demo to a final product ready for broadcast
I just want to make your song sound BIGGER.
Ivor Novello award winning song writer with 8 gold discs with No.1 UK & US hits including; Can’t Smile Without You, by Barry Manilow & Leave before you love me by The Jonas Brothers. Not to mention, 4 tracks recorded and released by Elvis!
Recent Successes
"We had a great job with Eileen. We works very professional and fast. She understood my needs amd sent me her song in a few days! "
"Dan had an awesome attitude towards me and my song from the momemt we started right to the end, and really helped me take my song to the next level! looking forward to working with him with for my up coming album rele..."
"Been workin w/ mike for a while an he kills every song I send em! Love this guys work , a wiz w/ da Sonics "
"Great to work with Jeff, he is patient with ammends, and delivers a solid mix. Hope to work with him again. Thanks again Jeff!"
"Bruno has a lot of style in his playing which brought more character to my song. I really appreciated his attentiveness and willingness to work within the timeframe I needed! A great choice!"
"Merty is an excellent lyricist - I worked him with a new song, and he spent the time to get to know me as an artist to better understand my goals; since we are both full-time musicians, we both take the creation proce..."
"I worked with Maja to mix and master a few Kpop tracks I've been very excited about. He delivered efficiently with a straightforward process, and was so collaborative and easy to work with. With just a few iterations,..."