Surround 5.1 Mixing in Fort Myers
Hear the difference you’ve missed all along.
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Northeast Ohio-based audio mastering services.
I am a Canadian musician entering my third year of a music degree at York University. I am studying guitar at the school as well as I myself am a vocalist for hire. Most of my styles are pop rock, alt rock and blues/country. However, I am willing to work with any style of music.
Our production spreads itself across the EDM spectrum. What set's us apart is our diversity in taste, and our ability to turn over high-quality projects in a short amount of time. Our experience in music production is just around 1 year.
Music plays so many roles in the Universe. Your Sonic Signature is key. Life's to short to make bad music....
Hello, I am a passionate vocalist and songwriter with an extensive vocal range, and a sweet and sultry sound. I thrive on creativity and aspire to uplift others through music and lyrics. Contact me to bring your project to life.
Electro Pop songs
Mastering tailored to your vision.
I specialize in rap and RnB music production. I have been producing and mixing for over 30 years.
Recent Successes
"Dan has a very unique and great way of writing lyrics and top line. Will most probably use his services again in the future! A big thank you, to you, Dan!"
"Excelente trabajo, siempre es un gusto trabajar con Daniel."
"Austin got my track to sound as loud and clear as possible and gave it a subtle yet professional polish that it never would have had otherwise!"
"Ben crushed it. He did exactly what I wanted and in a timely manner. Would definitely use his services time and time again!"
"Emanuel gave me a very clean, precise, efficient, musical experience. All the good adjectives. Would definitely hire him again!"
"2nd time working with Jacques and I am pretty sure, it's not going to be the last time. His drumming is spot-on and he really digs into the nitty-gritty details. He perfectly understands what the track needs and even..."
"Jaime's vocal prowess is second to none; the smooth transitions between your uniquely rich tones brought a captivating depth to the composition that was truly compelling. She has subliminal control over your voice has..."
"Excellent low voice, very unique. Easily fulfilled the vision I had for my project. Super friendly, easy to work with, flexible to lyric changes, and with the quick turnaround time on top of it all, it was an absolute..."