Surround 5.1 Mixing in Asheville
Wow, I've been doing it since I learned to ride a bicycle. That could've been age 8 or 37. But I could still blow out the candles too.
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TruStudios is a recording facility based in Chilton, Co. Durham in the North-East of England. We offer a range of services based around Multi-Track Digital Recording.
MUSIC PRODUCTION & RECORDING SERVICES Songs Produced At Radio Quality !!! It's Time For You To Have Professional Quality Music Production, It's More Affordable Than You Think !!!!
2X Grammy Nominated Singer / Songwriter with a demonstrated history of working in the music industry. Singer-songwriter Kham McPherson has written countless songs, some of which are billboard certified chart topping records.
I'm a professional singer/songwriter in LA. I've worked in the music industry for 10 years, have ample experience in the studio as a singer, songwriter and vocal producer/arranger. I've sang/written with RAC, Tiesto, & The Chainsmoker's. I'm a versatile singer, experienced in many styles of music, and I would love to help bring your vision to life!
I deserve to remix your song... Let's do this!!!
Extremely experienced vocalist with high range and versatile style. Performed in tribute groups including Journey, Frankie Valli, and the Bee Gees. Specialize in performing Motown and have recorded for EDM. Session resume includes appearances on "The Bold and the Beautiful" and most recently "Dance Moms". Prideful of my work ethic and dedication.
Self taught artist and producer. All of my artistry is about honesty and expressing oneself. I'm happy to connect and have been often told I'm easy to work with.
Helal Akbar Chowdhury Babor is a Bangladesh Awami League politician. I am Former Student Leader and Central Juba League Leader. Former Deputy Finance Secretary Bangladesh Awami Juba League,Central Executive Council.
Recent Successes
"She is a champion "
"I asked Lydia to create a great piano part for my new song, but honor silence - but not at the expense of beauty or musical genius. The result: Lydia gave me lots of silence while at the same time ample amounts of be..."
"Great feelings and very fast to make job Thx Raul Master of cello"
"Got just the sound I was after so it’s 5 stars from me cant wait to get my next song done by him!!! He is happy to make any edits you want and listens to you and does them well. Time to get this album going :)"
"I gave Abby a bit of a complicated piece with too many bits and pieces. I am pleased with the result and I thank her for her patience and perseverance."
"She has a very beautiful tone of voice! The job was done professionally. I recommend to everyone!"
"Very good beat maker where you can trust and he can hold his promises thats my real rating.I have do a lot of songs and its difficult to find a good Beat maker i can recommend him. Very fast response and good quality ..."
"Absolutely awesome, professional and talented. Reach out to her you wont be disappointed! "
"Awesome mixing."