Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with sur caribe
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I am good in music recording you can check my FB page Kramix indie music
Session Musician. Songwriter.
I produce original hip-hop instrumentals...
Mixing and Mastering engineer
GB Grassi Musical Highschool (Lecco, Italy) Pyramind Music Production School (San Francisco, USA)
Beat Maker / Recorder / Mixing / Mastering
Recent Successes
"This was my first time working with Shana. She was easy to work with and did a good job on my project!"
"David was so great to work with!! Not only was the quality of the vocal tuning amazing, the turnaround time was fantastic. I can’t wait to work with him again!"
"Let me put my sunglasses on cause Rob n Sue just dropped da bomb on all us interplanetary extraterrestrial thumpasorus peoples. Supergroovalistic masterfunk straight from da Mothership!!!"
"Winnie worked fast with my project and helped me get some rhythm proposal for my outlined lyrics for the track. This gave me also a cuple of ideas for the melody. Great experiance! "
"Raena is very professional and easy to work with. I highly recommend her."
"After working with Christina a couple of months ago, I had another project for which she was perfect. Once again, she was just amazing to work with. Very good quality for the lyrics and vocals, and she really took the..."
"Etienne est professionnel hors du commun. Au-delà de la qualité et de la rapidité de ses services, il sait exactement comment habiller un morceau. C'est un vrai tailleur de la musique, avec un talent extraordinaire. J..."
"Working with OTTO was absolutely fantastic. I look forward to collaborating with him again in the future. Thank you so much, OTTO!"
"It was a real pleasure to work with Jack. Everything went as it should and I got professionally recorded and played guitar tracks. I know who to turn to when I need a great acoustic guitar player."
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